I got hosed on eBay over a set of Nerf bars , I won the auction but once the auction was over he contacted me saying his paypal is messed up and can I do a MO , against my best judgement I did , BUT I made sure to get his phone number name addy and everything I could . I spent 2 months getting the run around , and then 6 more months of calling that f*cker at his work and at his house at 3 am on the random . Lol I never got my 50 bucks back , but I got at least twice that in satisfaction , especially when I told his babies momma he was a thief and all the lies he's been saying about their hard times yadda yadda . She even offered to paypal me 50 bucks to make it right , I said keep it for all the times I woke you up at 3am claiming to be Johnny the homicidal clown .
And I wasnt even drunk !!!!!! I'd set my alarm clock for that sh*t!!!!
Maybe JtheHC needs to make an appearance again ...
Next time if you are close with a established member , give them the money and have them send the paypal , so a real legitimate case can be filed .
Not saying this isnt legit , just saying protect yourself .