Bought my first house!

it took a long time for Iowa to drop too. We seem to be a little behind the economic trends in the midwest
offer still stands, beer for help moving lol. blasty won't get much attention in the next week or so while i'm packing up and moving! lol
congrats to ya homie..youve had some crappy issues with places in the last few yrs...well deserved bro

we almost didn't get this one too!!!! first bank we were working with fk'd up and we had to switch banks to get the financing. we were very VERY upset X(

good news is that we're doing the final walkthrough today, closing thursday, then moving in next weekend. I'm not looking forward to the drywall work in the garage, going to mud and paint before moving the camaros in lol
ask and you shall receive my son!





pocket doors between the dining room and living room...THAT WORK

single car side

and the area about to be populated by Camaros, blasters, and lots of parts
Looks nice, newer roof and siding??? Whats with all the crosses across the alley?

correct on the newer roof and siding.

those are part of their garden. their back yard is a little shabby so i was trying to cut as much out as possible lol.

first order of business is going to be to build a privacy fence for the dogs, and us of course lol
Wow what a great looking shack!

Could those little crosses be pet graves.

When's the house warming party, i'll have a beer here, can't afford the trip.
Wow what a great looking shack!

Could those little crosses be pet graves.

When's the house warming party, i'll have a beer here, can't afford the trip.

they're part of a garden I believe. COULD be pet graves but they have a lot of gardening going on back there, so i'm betting that's what they're doing with them.

I'll let you know when the house warming party is! The woman already is planning on ripping the carpet out of the living room as soon as we sign the papers. (hardwood floor under the carpet)