Only thing that starts at -40 - -50 is a gas car with a block old blaster always started 1st kick no matter the temp.. my 200x... 5-37 kicks cold... and one warm
Only thing that starts at -40 - -50 is a gas car with a block old blaster always started 1st kick no matter the temp.. my 200x... 5-37 kicks cold... and one warm
Person who has the longest rebuild thread:
Person to most likely have a new ride every week: 4cfed
most improved in a short period of time
lol honestly, prove to me theres another. ill have had my blaster 1 year this april. some of you may remeber what it was like when i got it, and now... I:I
most likely to make fun of my blaster
most likely to get chased by me on my blaster