blaster part out!!

interested in my RC i posted back on page 1? pretty much the whole thing or a motor since I have 2
TTT need this stuff sold!! From now until monday everything is just best offer, send me a reasonable offer on everything you want/need and I will ship it out monday.
didn't think i would ever be doing this but things change and here we are. I haven't even been on here in a long time as i haven't had any time. Everything is for sale and i am open to trades for some rc stuff. Thanks for looking.

Engine in pieces (no top end or crank) sold
full plastics (all black, front race hood blue) $110.00 shipped
full dmc alien exhaust system $140.00 shipped
front hydro kit from 03-06 blaster $130.00 shipped
rear gsx-r brake setup from awk. sold
banshee rear axle $100.00 shipped
z400 rear shock (yellow spring) $45.00 shipped
pwk carb $110.00 shipped
vforce reeds $80.00 shipped
raptor heal gaurds sold
seat $15.00 + shipping
front stock shocks just pay shipping
extended swing arm $185.00 shipped
stock a-arms $70.00 shipped
steering stem $20.00 + shipping
dg front bumper sold
dg rear grab bar sold
cfm air box (brand new) $90.00 shipped

i know there is alot more to list but can't think right now. If there is anything you need/want pls ask and i will check for you. Haven't been on here in a long time so if my prices our off just let me know. Not trying to rip anyone off.

updated list and prices, lets get the rest of this stuff