Blaster Forum Issues I'd Like to Address

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well guess we will have to wait also i think that the poll is going to be a huge mess and alot of problems in my opion i think it should be talked about with the mods admins and cbaber and they can decide.
like tj said imagine how many people are going to enter.
for some reason being a mod doesnt seem like that big of a deal to me, if i could i would but i dont think its something to get that excited about imo......
but if i had to pick it would have to be brando lots of knowledge never starts any problems and just an all around cool guy to bad hes not around so much anymore :(
i think you guys are all pissin down your legs if you have some grand idea that a new mod, especially between you guys really pullin for this, is gonna make any difference on here as to the original topic of this.............mainly raggin on certain bro's over the same B.S, over and over, and over, again and again,
as if this "raggin" is some major offense, and one of you guys as a mod is gonna change that
NOT !!!!!!!!
this is the way it is, has been and always will be,
if you see sh*t goin down in a thread you dont approve of............
theres always x-box live, or one of the new crop of unsuccessful websites that came about this year, why have they not flourished ?????

for this is the nature of internet forums, some guys get along, and some don't
get over it already,
are you guys all "only childs" ???????????????
this will never be the mamby pamby land you all are dreamin of
some of us call it like we see it, hurt butts or not, and that ain't changing

some of you are also all butthurt, and using it as a gauge of this websites health, that BOTM doesnt get much attention anymore, thats because it has proven time and time again to be a popularity contest, and one of pretty new paint, instead of actual total performance, where full brakes and suspension loses out to cut race fenders < what a fuggin joke, and BOTM should not be used to judge this place

we had some really nice, although way to long and drawn out, build threads this year
some of the most detailed , in depth, i've witnessed in my time on here,
and overall usage of this place is up, just beacuase some have moved on to different bikes, hobbies or websites should not have you all in an uproar

as stated before, this place is one of the few that have done fairly well policing itself
and a new deputy dog is not needed
so you wanna be hero's can all put your capes back in the closets
As amusing as it is, lets try to keep this professional.

Sure something needs to change on this forum. I am not saying new/more moderators is the surefire way to "fix" this place, but I am sure it will benefit.

In my original post, moderators were just a small portion of the issues. We have not addressed:
  • Kennedy_Power needs to be removed from the Technicians list and/or banned due to known reasons.
  • Members should start to show respect that is deserved by other members.
  • vBulletin® should be upgraded to the newest version, and also a selection of themes and appearance options should be available for members.
  • The staff needs be more active and listen to the community more, and give feedback.
I am glad to see that multiple people are expressing their feelings and opinions about my proposal. Those who disagree greatly, I would appreciate to see a post in a more professional manor of why you are so against it. We will not get anywhere with insults.

Again I thank you all for being supportive and understanding where I am coming from.

Some of the ideas may not be great but thay are a foundation to build on. I think it's great that we have people that care enuff to want to improve the forum for the better and not just abandon it. I know it will never be perfect on here but we can try to make it the best we can.
Ok, dakota is cool, no need to jump on his case just for wanting to help. I did not see him say he wanted to be a mod, he just said he'd help any way he can.

The moderator thing is a worthless idea until approved by cbaber, the "I want to be a mod too" sh*t is getting old .... Hey kron you should just open another thread for real ideas other than being a mod and you can repost your original suggestions, I will also. This has just become a pissing-contest.

This was supposed to be about improving the forum but has become a load of bull. There are only like 3-5 people who should really be a mod or deserve it and we have gotten off track. I am not going to join the inflated-ego's and know although I don't pick sides I would not want to do it.

Lastly, AWK is right, lets call it how it is....we do not need new mods to regulate one person...period. And I'll be the first on the record to state that a lot of you are the problem, not 99, he can post what he wants, just like you. It's all the people telling him to f**ck his rifled carb and sh*t that is out of control (and to turn around and see the same people wanting to be mods is immensely hypocritical).

This is why I wrote my first response to say that you are the ones acting childish by responding. We would not have the problem if members just checked themselves on how they are responding to others by jumping on the bandwagon when one person really has a reason to say something.

So you can hate on me for this response, but it's getting old IMO. Lets address the real issues like adding the topics people have asked for, fixing the topics that are stalling like BOTM winners/stickers. Getting kennedy's name out-of-here, Getting the forum upgraded as kronick has said, and for the last time checking ourselves, not getting power-hungry to check others.

Edit: And if we do continue and get new mods I am suggesting straight up that they cannot ban any member till after being a mod for atleast a year.

And man, I ain't ever jumpin on anyone for sh*t again, and you guys can check me on said, I'll come here no matter what. After standin back a minute from my screen I'll actually admit that I should've just stayed out of it.
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if your under the age of atleast 25 you aint getting my vote.its too easy to piss you young people off hence alot of us going over 30 will prolly get the ban hammer way too frucking easy.
no offence lolz
I don't think age should have anything to do with it. People on here that are older can be just as short fused as the young ones. As for Pikled's post, Can I get an amen brother.
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