Well said. Pretty much agree with all that was said. Great site that could be better with just a little effort.
I know I think I suggested it once, but I have been building a WRX rally car I'd love to share, but don't really care for other forums. I had talked to a few because others also had projects, cars/quads/mx bikes. Still on the line of motorized builds just a non-blaster build topic.
Hehe, I wasn't gonna post again in here, I forgotI:I
As for giving my opinion, I'm not to sure on that. It seems everytime I post an opinion on here, I get bashed.mine as well go for it anyways. My first concerns are BOTM. I understand CBABER may be a busy man but I don't want to see the BOTM contest die out like the contest have on E2S and Bluetraxs. It seems like it's heading that way with the late voting threads, no winners threads and no stickers being made and sent. I think it should be turned over to freek if cbaber doesn't have the time. As for the bashing, it does get out of hand but I've learned not to get pulled into that trap. I just don't post a reply to it.
VERY well put together Corey, lots of good and valid points.
every other forum I'm on have a moderator for each section. That doesn't mean that there are individual moderators for each section, each have a few assigned sections.
this forum has almost doubled in size over the past year, but there is roughly the same amount of daily active members. I do believe it may actually be time for a change in the Mod staff just because most are not as active as they once were, or possibly adding a couple.
If need be I'd help out wherever I can
That's actually a great idea. I wonder if vBulletin has a set up for that...i believe a community citation program would be beneficial. what i mean by that is each member or supporting member (that would probably make it more sound) can leave citations when they see members acting outside the rules... any one gets 3 or more citations a admin would be alerted and then they can take the steps in rectifying the situation whether thats a ban suspension or just locking out a thread. This would put alot more eyes out and would still not give any one member the power to just ban someone because they felt like it. Its a community forum let the community regulate.
Yes, I appreciate that no one is creating unnecessary drama in here. I:Igreat write up, i will proudly serve this forum as best as i can, whatever that means.
way to keep this a valid argument also guys
i believe a community citation program would be beneficial. what i mean by that is each member or supporting member (that would probably make it more sound) can leave citations when they see members acting outside the rules... any one gets 3 or more citations a admin would be alerted and then they can take the steps in rectifying the situation whether thats a ban suspension or just locking out a thread. This would put alot more eyes out and would still not give any one member the power to just ban someone because they felt like it. Its a community forum let the community regulate.
I'm willing to help to. I'm on here every day and im on an iPhone so I can come on at any time I want.
Now everyone is ithcing to be a mod. Lol
i think you've already got a plate full with being mod on at least 2 other sites
jus sayin, i'm on every day, have 3877 posts, and would love to be a moderator..... hint hint, even tho i'm only 14![]()