It might not to be a bad idea to look at what you have, and re-engineer it. Make a new bracket, move some washers, whatever works. If your just running the fence line, It doesn't matter what it looks like as long as it stops and is safe!
This is prob the cheapest and easiest option. Buy a block off that looks like this on the back. Cut one of the ends off enough to clear the mount, but so the o-ring seals still. I would put a very light coat of silicone on there also to make sure its sealed. Make sure the hole is small. Don't get one that has a big hole and 0-ring or it won't seal after you cut the end off.
This would be more work, but still cheaper than buying one. You would still have to buy the block off though. This is the only pic I have of the bracket I made. I think I have the wood prototype I made somewhere. If I do I can photo copy it with a ruler next to it. I could email the pick and you can print it out changing the size till the ruler is actual size.