Well, I gotta give a big Whooo Hahhh for Bronco, you the man bro. Awesome pics, vids, etc, etc. Love the single bike pic run, that was great, did not even realize ya got everyone. Awesome.
And Slick, great job with pics/vids as well and nice job with the vid edits, ur gettin pretty good at that bro!!! And, yeah, I got patience for wrenchin, its the only way I can get shiat done, I gotta just stay cool and focused, then have my celebratory cold one, you know this!!! Haha, and I could not have done the magic in the dark trail without you and good ol' faithful, can't let the daugthers bad a$$ little raptor go without props, for lighting up the mountain darkness for us to wrench, I can't believe we got the masterlink off, and back on without losing anything!!! That raptor is a cool little bike, and provided tons of fun for a few all weekend long.
Yeah, my boy the turtle was cool. As much as I felt like I found the best place tucked away, I just knew someone was watchin' LOL
Turned around to head back up the trail and there he was, right in the open, just truckin' along. We kept the turtle around for a few beers, even offered to give him a ride on the bikes but he said he would rather chill and pound a few cold ones. He was the man, or ummmm, the turtle... I:I
Glad we got a few pics of him, yeah Bronco!!!
I miss the shiat outta that mountain, and it sucks to be back to work, arghh!!! Can't wait to go back up and spend the weekend tryin' to keep up with AWK and the local's, they straight up rip, great times!!!