AWK's wild ride II

that turtle snuck up on techblaster while he was takin a dump, and try'd to have meatballs for dinner, aaaahahahaaaa
Well, I gotta give a big Whooo Hahhh for Bronco, you the man bro. Awesome pics, vids, etc, etc. Love the single bike pic run, that was great, did not even realize ya got everyone. Awesome.

And Slick, great job with pics/vids as well and nice job with the vid edits, ur gettin pretty good at that bro!!! And, yeah, I got patience for wrenchin, its the only way I can get shiat done, I gotta just stay cool and focused, then have my celebratory cold one, you know this!!! Haha, and I could not have done the magic in the dark trail without you and good ol' faithful, can't let the daugthers bad a$$ little raptor go without props, for lighting up the mountain darkness for us to wrench, I can't believe we got the masterlink off, and back on without losing anything!!! That raptor is a cool little bike, and provided tons of fun for a few all weekend long.

Yeah, my boy the turtle was cool. As much as I felt like I found the best place tucked away, I just knew someone was watchin' LOL

Turned around to head back up the trail and there he was, right in the open, just truckin' along. We kept the turtle around for a few beers, even offered to give him a ride on the bikes but he said he would rather chill and pound a few cold ones. He was the man, or ummmm, the turtle... I:I
Glad we got a few pics of him, yeah Bronco!!!

I miss the shiat outta that mountain, and it sucks to be back to work, arghh!!! Can't wait to go back up and spend the weekend tryin' to keep up with AWK and the local's, they straight up rip, great times!!! :o
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haha wow i totally missed the turtle :(. awesome pics everybody I:I I:I wish i coulda stayed longer but dayum that is a long drive, i think i got it down to 5hrs 15 mins on the way home :o :o still, i had a great time meeting the guys i hadnt before and the riding was a blast. i lol'd at your turtle comment whitty haha! i cant belive noone has mentioned the 20 something jumps all in a row spaced about 15 yards apart going up that one trail :o the first 5 or 6 were fun.... lololol I:I
thats right noobs, i remembered them at work yesterday, and couldnt remember what when i got home, < old and senile, hahahaaa
and scooter69 says there is 32 jumps in a row, that you have to be back on the gas as soon as you land to hit the next one, it'll really put some forearms on ya ha????
definately a workout !!!!!!!
freek just feel off his bike when he pulled up to me at the top, i gave everyone's forearms a break and said they were easier to do on the way down, tech asked me "isn't there another way back down", aaaahahahahaaaaa
so we went a different trail back
as i sat at the top i could see all these helmets bobbing up and down as the rest of you came up, woulda been an awsome video !!!!!!
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thats right noobs, i remembered them at work yesterday, and couldnt remember what when i got home, < old and senile, hahahaaa
and scooter69 says there is 32 jumps in a row, that you have to be back on the gas as soon as you land to hit the next one, it'll really put some forearms on ya ha????
definately a workout !!!!!!!
freek just feel off his bike when he pulled up to me at the top, i gave everyone's forearms a break and said they were easier to do on the way down, tech asked me "isn't there was another way back down", aaaahahahahaaaaa
so we went a different trail back
as i sat at the top i could see all these helmets bobbing up and down as the rest of you came up, woulda been an awsome video !!!!!!

Haha, that would have been a great vid!!! Especially when everyone made it to the top and fell off the bikes, exhausted. Noob put it just right, the first 6 were awesome, the next 6 were fun, the 6 after that jump-able and then after it is just about surviving to the top. Whew, talk about forearm pain, you are literally numb when you get to the top, I could not feel my throttle thumb and my hole left arm, but when in doubt mash the gas and hold the F*** on!!!! Going back down, right then, would have been suicide for me, my arms would not have lasted it, you need a good break in between that trail run, LOL...
That's why I took today off of work, Still hurtin, but much better than sunday/monday. I did forget about those arm breakers! I thought that was fun! Can't wait to do that again!
That's why I took today off of work, Still hurtin, but much better than sunday/monday. I did forget about those arm breakers! I thought that was fun! Can't wait to do that again!

haha, you did just fine Ol' Man, no doubt. I hope I hang half as hard as you when I am in my forties, and a quarter hard as AWK. :-)

You guys rock.

You have to hang hard keepin' up with that offspring of yours, that kid rides his a$$ off!!! Shane is the man!
hell carnz, you're just in md, holler at me any weekend it isnt snowing, always lookin for blaster riders to rip with, that goes for anyone else too, you wanna ride, holler !!!!
oh yes the great million jumps in a least thats what it felt like lol.. the first 10 i was airing out nicely, the next 10, was kinda wheelieing over...and the rest was a pure fight to keep my arms and hands attached to the damn bars lol..i cant wait to go down them..muhahahahahah
I had a awesome time riding with the AWKster and the young awkamaniacs and all my blasterforum bros, and im looking forward to the next ride...I:II:II:I
I had the biggest fenders and still got the