Army V.S. Air Force

Which branch. Please give reasons

  • Army

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Air Force

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters
I have recently become so fed up with my job and the upper management (Read; backstabbing, oblivious to what it really takes to do the job right, numb nuts X() that I think I am going to do something I have wanted to do for a long time. Join the National Guard! But the question is which branch do I want to join? I am currently considering the Air national guard and the Army national guard. But I know either way they pay me to go back to school, So I can get a decent job and a little bit of Pride in what I do. Lets face it making Shampoo bottles and the little plastic rings that go around the tops of bottles of cooking wine is not really something to be proud of.8-|
Navy.... More options as far as jobs go. Navy also has a reserve program but it doesn't have a fancy name like the "National Guard"
go with the army, I was in the Army National guard and loved it so I'm a little bias. You have a very wide range of jobs to pick from and a lot of opportunities. Anything you can do in the air force you can do in the army and then some.

Only thing the air force had going for it was the shorter basic training period but it has since been lengthened.
I would look into the coast guard or the navy but I don't live near any water. and I hope to stay somewhat local.
I have been in the Army Guard for 10 years now and both Army and Air Guard have their advantages/disadvantages. There is better promotion potential in the Army to gain pay/retirement and most states have more full time employment opportunities in the Army Guard. But, on the other hand the Air Guard see's shorter deployments and all around better treatment/living conditions when on active duty. Both are very good choices. What types of carreer fields each offers you after you take your aptitude tests may be a bigger determining factor for you. Very wise to look into your options.
ive got a buddie that did the navy thing and it worked out great for him. know 2 guys in the army and one gets constantly screwed over (3 tours in iraq) and the other loves it..... so hmmmmmm
my cuz is a pilot for the air force has seen the world and loves it a buddy of mine is in the navy and has been stationed in hawai his whole term , a few others in the army have been to iraq and afganistan a few times, do what ever u feel is best for ya
Air Force. Work on jets and you can get a good paying job anywhere.

If you go army they will con you into to being a foot soldier. What kind of job can you get as foot soldier in the civilian world?
I have recently become so fed up with my job and the upper management (Read; backstabbing, oblivious to what it really takes to do the job right, numb nuts X()

So you think that the Armed Services aren't chock full of clueless backstabbing idiots? Not that it isn't a great opportunity for certain people... Just don't assume you will be surrounded by honest, compassionate, geniuses solely because you join the military. Good luck with whatever you decide, but you PROBABLY won't get shot at making plastic rings for bottle caps...
if it were me, i'd be going full army. i just had a long talk with my cousin on this very subject, who is an E5 in the US Army. he said that deployments for reserve units are usually longer because you have pre-deployment training and post-deployment something or other. total time for a standard year tour actually take 16-18 months from saying good-bye to saying hello again for reservists, whereas full-time army has incorporated the required training into your routine, so you don't have to go train for 2-4 months before you actually deploy.

having said all that, he says he'd recommend air force because of stability, safety and reliability. average pay grade is higher and the training is less physically demanding.
ill tell you right now, navy, the army/marines will tell you anything you want to hear, i work with marines, you will have to dumbify yourself to be a marine, some turn out ok but the ones i work with and see on a day to day basis...don't get me started, go navy, i am currently enlisted right now, i like my job, some don't, i have been in 4 yrs, seen and done more than some people will do their whole lives, you don't want to be a wannabe, so don't be a puddle pirate(coast guard) there are plenty of opportunities in the military just do your research to make the right choice, i know i did. NAVY

and pay for enlisted is the same for all e1's,e2,e3's,e4's,e5's etc in all the services, thats why it is called base pay. they get paid more when ur deployed, like when i go back to a ship i will recieve sea pay again, or if i had went to iraq like i was suppose to(got injured) i would have recieved hazard duty, tax free etc, there are quite a few incentive pays.
Well I have been looking more and more into this whole military thing and active duty seems like more of what I want to do. As for right now I am currently doing a lot of conditioning trying to get myself into shape for basic training (running is not really my thing) but I hope to enlist soon. I still haven't decided on which branch but I'm leaning toward Air force as previously stated its not as physically demanding and I'm not exactly a big guy so....

Oh yeah and "Puddle Pirate's".... lmfao