anybody got any ideas on how to get attendance up on the forum...

I'd like to see a yamaha blaster on the back of a t-shirt with underneath it. The blaster could be a stock model or a tricked out model. On the front of the shirt, just have it say Yamaha Blaster Forum - The #1 Community For Yamaha Blaster Owners! over the left breast area.

Well, how about we hold a contest where everyone could submit a picture of their yamaha blaster that could go on the t-shirt. The winner could then get the t-shirt for free.
I think that mabye the fact that Yamaha discontinued blasters is why the forum is dropping in numbers. But the t-shirt/hat/hoodie etc.. idea would be good. mabye on the front it would say "" with a picture of a blaster and on the back have it say something like the home of the Yamaha Blaster.. Something snappy like that :-D.

You never know someone might be walking around see your shirt and say! HEY! I got a blaster! I should check out that website.

Also.. If we did do this, wear the clothing when you go to trails, tracks, gatherings, etc.. I think it would really boost the numbers.

I would buy stickers, a t-shirt, and a hat. So defenitly make them!
One thing I would NOT like, is this big picture stretched across my chest advertising a website, i just doesnt look professional, ummm, I like stroker's idea, something over the left breast is good, but then big banner can go on the back persay.