Any tips on Go pro hero 3


Built not bought
Feb 10, 2012
So the wife got me a go pro for Christmas. Haven't even taken it out of the box yet. I will be using it this weekend when we go riding. Anty tips? Best place to mount, on top of helmet or under the visor? I'm going to charge it tonight so it is ready to go. I will post the video up here if somebody shows me how.
You're supposed to run the battery until its dead before charging it....atleast that's what i've heard. I started mounting mine to my front bumper with a handlebar mount.
Thanks. I'll leave it on until it dies then charge it. A lot of this stuff is probably in the instructions. Like I said it's still in the box.
i practice that "kill it till it dies, then recharge" to create a memory, for all rechargeable batteries.
it used to be good practice and prolonged the life, not sure if it applies to the new batteries, but i still do it to phones, cameras, flashlights ect. ect. anything rechargeable.

i'll be getting one before riding season arrives, and considered the "under visor" also, to keep it from banging off low branches, ect.
but won't that film upside down ??
thats not a deal breaker though, as some vid editing software and even youtube allows you to turn/flip them while editing.

can't wait to see the vids !!!!!
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Sweet. Well the 3 blasters will be in action and I should be able to grab some good footage. I've never ridden at this place before, but I think it is basically a big field. I was told we can cut some trails through the woods though. Should be interesting.
nice u got a hero3 i got one for Christmas also, already managed to bust both tabs off the clear case, and have yet to buy new case
i would mount it upside down on the visor, it will auto correct the view, it gets great audio that way and has a great view