anti theft tips.


New Member
Jan 11, 2011
Colorado Springs
if you don't have a garage and you have to leave it in your back yard do you just chain it up to a pole with the thickest chain you can get a hold of? or remove handle bars/tires after using ?:-[
chain it up and put a lock threw the rear sprocket i had to leave mine in the back yard over night one time i didnt take one chance with it
my sister could load it into your little dodge lol

I fortunatly have a garage all 3 quads live in , and my personal truck is parked in front of them so They'd have to get that out before getting to the quads.
At the dunes I have a heavy duty rubberized cable and mega duty lock , all 3 get locked together and I have rotor locks for them . Can't be too carefull .
you know whats funny here guys...i live in south africa, a country well known for its high people (specifically the non reflective type) will steal the milk out of your tea if you look the other way. funny thing is i leave my bike when the garage is full of my brothers broken bike or any other project that is on the go in the front yard, and we dont even have a wall or fence or anything. i just push it up in front of the old '46 Ford and through a cover over it. No problems what so ever. (I dont think they know how to use the bike and wouldnt know what to do with it if they stole it or who to sell it to) so maybe all our south african expats out there who have exported to canada, new zealand and australia because of fear can remember this when their bikes get stolen in their new "safe" havens...
I fortunatly have a garage all 3 quads live in , and my personal truck is parked in front of them so They'd have to get that out before getting to the quads.

I do the same at my house.
All the bikes are chained together with the work truck parked in front of the garage I:I
since the appt complex im staying in has no area to keep anything i rent a storage unit and it stays locked up... dont think anyone will be getting in. However when i have the quads on the trailer i chain and lock them to the trailer so i guess they would have to take the whole trailer because the chain is huge, to big for bolt cutters i think.
you know whats funny here guys...i live in south africa, a country well known for its high people (specifically the non reflective type) will steal the milk out of your tea if you look the other way. funny thing is i leave my bike when the garage is full of my brothers broken bike or any other project that is on the go in the front yard, and we dont even have a wall or fence or anything. i just push it up in front of the old '46 Ford and through a cover over it. No problems what so ever. (I dont think they know how to use the bike and wouldnt know what to do with it if they stole it or who to sell it to) so maybe all our south african expats out there who have exported to canada, new zealand and australia because of fear can remember this when their bikes get stolen in their new "safe" havens...

I was thinking the same thing! A lot of stuff get stolen here, even my turtle!*&%^*&^*
But i don't EVER lock my bike, don't think the non reflective folks know what to do with it, but don't leave your bicycle with out a lock and even with a lock it will begone before morning!
But quadbiking is still seen as a rich man's sport here and the thief's will rather try to steal something of value(money, guns, cellphones and jewels)
Alot of people do get mugged on trails thou
In my garage there was an old drain hole that no longer worked and i wanted a good place to chain my quad down, i took this opportunity to make a nice solid anchor. I went to TSC and bought a U bolt with a flat piece of metal in the middle, mixed up some concrete, sunk the bolt down it, and made a nice space under it so slide a chain threw. its stick up a 1/4 inch from the plain of the garage floor, still enough to trip over if your not paying attention.
If its in my Dads barn I still put a lock on the sprocket. That way i figure if they steal it sh*t will get f*cked up before they get down the road.
Oh and never, EVER leave the key in it. some people dont know how to hot wire a bike...
right now, in my garage, i chain both bikes thru the sprockets with a cobra cable,
back in the day i always relied on my rottweillers to handle any unwanteds, never locked my garage/bikes or even my front door
i can't wait to get outta this apartment and buy another house soon, then it'll be back to my rottweiller security team !!!!!

oh, and the fact i can regularly be seen loading my 12 gauge for hunting excursions, makes them think twice before fooling around here
let me show you guys what africa is about :)










I will not be held responsible for these pics, specifically the last two. i am merely passing them on!
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