anti theft tips.

thats some funny sh*t blaner, have some greens for the laugh !!!!!!!!
lmao, that google pic is too funny.

joking aside, a lot of you have made good points about securing your quad. i don't feel the need to run all the chains and locks in the sprocket on either of mine. however, they're under lock and key in the garage. i look at it like this though, it doesn't matter what precaution you take to secure your belongings if a thief is determined to get it they will get it. nothing will hold them back unless you catch 'em and put some "#00" in their asses.
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i just got that "non reflective folks" hahahaaaaaaa
dont need to lock em up where i live my family are light sleepers and they gotta go past my house to the shed 2 gates rolo and a couple of bball bats ! i wanted a gun but dad said no :( lol
my next rottweiller will be trained to not bark, until a cleanup is needed, after he has fed on intruders
I gat 2 Boxers many guns, bows. The quads are locked in the garage, when I travel i don't lock them up- my guns go with me, steal my sh*t and get dead.
My brother has a hidden camera complete with night vision and a DVR in his garage.
It's a pretty nice set-up I might go that route one day cause lets be honest,
if they really want to get it they will.
we were in the process of making a garage door at clopay that could not be broken into. that was fun testing it. they never really got it 100% though.
actually our windows that were for doors in maimi dade could stop at 45 round. someone in the lab worked at a shooting range and they tried it out for fun and it stopped the bullet.
Take the key, lock the FRAME to the pole, not the bumper. Bumper is easy to remove. Lock the sprocket up so it can't move. Should be pretty safe.