Sweet thanks, I will get right on that, there is more knowledge and intellect found by a few members here than some forums have in their entire user base. That counts for alot, one of my pet leaves is to get in a forum and have to wade through 20 threads riddled with ignorance and flaming, to find one bit of info. Makes is so hard to get answers, then the compulsory response to every question is used the search function.
Here where everything is accessible and searching is much more effective, new users and people who may not know the right key words are given the benefit of the doubt and a few good links to get them going.
Good forums, with good mods, and knowledgeable members attract more of the same, when flaming fans see that people actually share knowledge, express opinions, differences, and communicate successfully they move on.
Thanks for what you do here, BF is one of the best forums I have had the pleasure of being a part of, it's full of good people, excellent info, and devoid of purposeful bashing and ignorance.
I don't wanna come off as sappy, but it's hard to build and maintain a successful forum comunity, as evidenced by the many that fail to be of any use.