Well not a toy .. this will be my everyday carry firearm...
Glock g17 gen 3 full frame 9mm the g17 is what started it all in polymer frame handguns..
2 17rnd mags, speed loader, glock case, take down tool, different floor plates for the magazines.. came with 84 winchester 115grn target fmj's and 12 defence hollow points, i shot uo the fmjs, went and bough a box of blazer brass fmjs shot them and now its sittin with the hollows ready if needed..
This is my first big hand gun.. i had a 22 revolver for about 4 hours.. veeeery happy with my purchase.. now i just gotta waitntell friday to get a holster as im going to open carry untell i get my ccw permit

Glock g17 gen 3 full frame 9mm the g17 is what started it all in polymer frame handguns..
2 17rnd mags, speed loader, glock case, take down tool, different floor plates for the magazines.. came with 84 winchester 115grn target fmj's and 12 defence hollow points, i shot uo the fmjs, went and bough a box of blazer brass fmjs shot them and now its sittin with the hollows ready if needed..
This is my first big hand gun.. i had a 22 revolver for about 4 hours.. veeeery happy with my purchase.. now i just gotta waitntell friday to get a holster as im going to open carry untell i get my ccw permit