$600 04 blaster

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Heres the next to do list:

35mm pwk, factory 7 air box, +4mm hotrods crank, .20 over weisco piston, .20 over std bore cylinder, nikasil cylinder, head re-chambered, SMS port work, Dynoport exhaust, pro design adjust. timing plate, high flow petcock, SMS 35 mm intake, plus multiple other goodies.... now if only i hit the powerball
Thanks man, I will deff keep the pictures coming as soon as the updates happen. On that note, got my streamline brake lines in, bleed front brakes and rear brake. Ordered factory 7 air box and factory 7 air scoops for it aswell, only a few more things for the roller such as rear plastic, and shock rebuild and then the motor begins I:I ... How do you guys think a +4mm hotrods crank, wiesco forged piston, SMS portwork and head work, 35mm pwk carb, and a dyno port pipe sounds?
Thanks guys... Besides the rear shock being rebuilt, I now can say the bike is a full roller. The factory 7 scoops and airbox I think/ hope shipped either today of friday, and Rocky Mountain shipped my new rear plastics today :D


I bought some NAC'S brake line clamps for the a-arms, but are too small so I need to find a machine shop to to match the o.d.'s
Thanks Guys !

Got the airbox and scoops in last week, The airbox is top-notch quality. I have to make custom brackets for the scoops due to not working since Im running piggy back rezzy's up front.

Should get the rear plastics in tomarrow after work, and I also ordered a pro-design adjustable stator plate. I think next up on the parts order list is going to be a hinson basket and barnett clutch, and a new oem pressure plate.
Got the rear plastic in and went right to work on it, I cut the airbox out and then installed some left over raw edge trim from my boat on the raw edges of the plastic. I think it came out rather nice




wow this blaster is absolutely sick and seeing it just drained my bank acct almost 2 grand lmao no joke i just ordered a whole lot of the same parts your using