$600 04 blaster

Yeah those rad carrier(possibly older version) have had problems before.I know awk had one go out on him before.Sounds like some very nice parts coming.Keep us posted with pics.
Yeah those rad carrier(possibly older version) have had problems before.I know awk had one go out on him before.Sounds like some very nice parts coming.Keep us posted with pics.

Rad is having me send it back to them for them to look at it, it appears from their website that the new ones are welded. When I took the carrier off today the brackets literally fell right off of the carrier, and when i put the brackets back on you can literally move the carrier all around in the brackets. To think that was only after 1 serious ride.

Where are you riding? I'm in desperate need of finding somewhere to ride within a few hours. I did the berkshire trail back in Oct. and although it was fun it was not enjoyable.

I should have the LSR swinger Tuesday so I should have some new pics soon.

Blasterr- I havent been on the forums in a while, I just finished up college and with working full time and trying to get in the USCG, I just havent had any spare time.
Thanks man, but there are a lot of nicer and better setup blasters than mine out there.

I got the LSR swinger in today, everything looks like top-notch quality, I didnt realize the swinger bushings dont come with it so those are on order.

In with the new and out with the old

notice the skid plate? thats only after 4 hours..

i was actually about to order that swingarm the other day except they did not have it in a +3 and plus i do not need it as mine is just fine
I finally got everything all buttoned up, just waiting on the shocks to come back from being rebuilt. New additions are the LSR swingarm, TM banshee chain guide, LSR locknut, and ASR poly a-arm bushings. Only thing really on my wish list is possibly the IMS gas tank and ITP baja front wheels with gncc tires.



THis looks exactly like my color scheme I want to do. Thanks for the visual.I already have the white plastics and bluish frame, lsr swing arm and black accents. awesome bike!