That is one CLEAN Banshee! I'd say it is definately worth checking out. The price is reasonable if the quad is indeed as nice as it looks. Where I live, 'Shees go for about $2K stock, and around $ 3K/up with some mods. As has been said, it is almost all stock, so...
The price is a bit on the high side for my taste, but this one is the last year made, it has new tires, and it has not been messed with or raced. Therefore, it is worth a bit more. Plus, if you get it, you can choose exactly what mods you do to it.
Take a look. The worst you can do is walk away empty-handed, because the seller is a jerk, or something's not 'right' about the quad. I'd offer $ 2600.00 cash, and see what happens. No price is really FIRM in this economy. If you have $ 2600.00 cash in hand and start to walk away when the seller wants that extra $ 300.00, I bet he'll change his mind before you can make it back to the truck.
OH, and this Banshee actually DOES need something before it will be safe to ride. The left front wheel is missing two lugnuts! That's worth a couple hundred off the asking price, if you count my .02!