Thats might be worth a shot I:I
I really just don't think I've got a leak. I think that's what I'm going to do...order more jets and spark plugs and start around a 300 and work from there.
Thats might be worth a shot I:I
If the rubber has a leak then you should replace it with a CFM airbox. At least you will get an upgrade out of the deal.
I like that idea bro, I might lie to my girlfriend and tell her my air box broke and upgrade to a cfm ! Luckily she doesnt know anything about four wheelers or motors so she won't know that air boxes don't really break haha !
Do you think it's running boggy on the top end because the jetting it too rich?
It all depends as what you define as boggy, bogging usually means starving for fuel due to an air leak or insufficient fuel.
If it not performing well because it is too rich it will sound like a 4 stroke and seem to babble.
The way to find out if it is a bog or a babble is to pull the choke whilst riding.
If it improves performance then you are too lean, if it gets worse then you are too rich.
I figured out that bog was because of a leak.
I figured out that bog was because of a leak.