2002 rear brake conversion

sorry guys, I'm just too busy at my day job right now to do these @ night.
check back in a few weeks.

praise aunt jesse this big metal roof finished up today, just got home at 9pm. :(
now onto a couple torch down flat roofs

No worries man. Glad you are busy. no play with no pay! I am not in a hurry. I am just now starting to collect parts for my bike. prolly be a couple months before I really need a reason to stop.
I was wondering if i could get the info for you kit. thank you

I can send the info, but will not be building these anytime soon,
all you guys loooking, save up your $
I'll be taking orders once work slows down or over the winter.
Can i get that info too? I just bought my second blaster and master cyl and all hoses are gone. All i have is pedal, caliper, and rotor