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well the yz 490 blaster is built and runningI:I

it still has the slightly modified blaster pipe on it so its a litle laggy but it still pulls like a bat out of hell. i got an fmf pipe for that will go on soon i still also need to extend the swing arm its going to need it lol. i had it spinning donuts on pavement in second gear with hardly any air in the tires. but here are some pics for now ill put better ones up soon.

oh ya i know it needs some paint its like a sleeper now lol







God I hope your insured!!

Cool deal, though. Man that's uber steroids on that little frame.

haha i live in canada free health insurance. and ya it is really quick doesnt pick up to good (i think it just the exhaust because the blaster exhaust thats on it is half the size of the original yz 490 pipe) but as for top speed it pulls and when power band kicks in it feels like i down shifted two gears. my arms were starting to hurt from holding on lol
COOL!!!! can't wait to see more pics. I am going to be installing a lquid cooled DT200 engine in my Blaster soon, once I get all the parts rounded up.
was this a hard swap? might be able to get my hands on a yz490?! what year is that motor, do you know? very curious and interested!
well if i had all the parts i could have done it in a weekend it is very easy. you will need a welder and a cut of tool to cut the old mounts off. it is a 1984 i think ill post more pics soon and maybe a vid if i can find the time to make one tomorrow.
that was my motor, actually its an 81 YZ465 bored to 490 but they are the same motor, all YZ 465/490's are identicle in size shape and internals the only difference is the 465 has .080 smaller bore.
one day if funds are available you should think about a custom pipe or a good out of frame pipe. No Blasty pipe is gonna let that beast breathe.
That is a sik motor on a blaster U r def gunna need an extended swing arm you should post a vid or at least a sound clip. I bet it sounds nasty