Yfz450r vs Yfz450x

Let me correct you, the shocks are valved and sh*t different and the programming in the FI is different as well.

and YB wtf u talking bout???

that's exactly what I said.. the front end is different, not only are the shocks valved different, they are a whole different shock. As far as the programing of the FI that really doesn't meen anything b/c the first thing anyone put on a FI bike should be an aftermarket FI controler. FI bikes are no different then carb bikes... from the factory they are running border line lean so just like adding a jet kit FI bikes should add the FI controler.
Could you get a company to make a big ass donation to a cancer fund?

what he sai^^^^
maybe they would even donate a quad to ya man. id check into it some more an maybe email them an see what they say. it dont hurt to ask. asking is always free the worst they could say is no.I:I
Id keep your raptor, and get the money from the make a wish put it in a savings and use it to help pay for college. :)
nuff said get an education so you can make a boatload of money and pay people to build you custom quads that take all the best from the ones you like.... that's what i'd do anyway