Not sure if it had been mentioned or not, but I would do the oil mod on the motor as part of an upgrade.
I did some research before and saw this. Ill definitely be looking into it! Thanks for the heads up though!
yea man you gotta do that your basicly stariving your crank for oil at high rpms!
build is looking good!!!1
the mod only related to yfz?
yup only for the 04s to the 06's ! they had very poor cooling systems! lucky i got a 07 lol also you might want to do the cam mod and zip-tie mod if you have a yfz
Their cooling system is fine.
Its the lubrication system...
Lookin good man, can't wait to see the end result. Seeing all your fresh PC'ed parts makes me wish I worked at a body shop. I have a ton of parts I'd love to do on my 250r. Rustoleum just doesn't cut it.
i wanted that kit so bad but my rear plastics is white ! wish i was rich like you.....
not far from it!