Yeah, REALLY? Everyone check this out.


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
New York
Really? Are you serious? This f*cking scumbag took my f*cking picture of my quad and is using it to sell his? Are you f*cking kidding? Im sorry but this is complete bullshit. Thanks to 03blasterboy. Everyone check out this link.
2001 Blaster "RE-DONE"

First if that is my quad, lies, lies, lies. When he got "it" it was not a POS. Second the plastic is not "new" its painted. Motor powdercoated? No thats spray paint dude. I had the blaster last year. It was not rebuilt. There was a primary drive and clutch boss put in not a clutch and to top it off its a 92 not a 2001. Chad, you can kiss my ass. Im calling you and your f*cked my main man. First off my account is locked on photobucket so you cannot get my pictures. Those are MY pictures so how did he get them. Does anyone else want to call him about this? HES GOING DOWN.
Damn! I would be f*cking pissed. That's just bullshit. Call his ass up and tell him you want to meet him and bring a good old baseball bat or something, that might change his mind about using other peoples pictures to scam someone. I hate pricks like that. Make's me want to drive all the way up their and kick his ass. lol
i dont get it he stole pics you took of the machine? but is it his machine or did he steal that from you? im not catching whats up...
Damn! I would be f**cking pissed. That's just bullshit. Call his ass up and tell him you want to meet him and bring a good old baseball bat or something, that might change his mind about using other peoples pictures to scam someone. I hate pricks like that. Make's me want to drive all the way up their and kick his ass. lol

Thats the thing. He is in IL I live inm NY I doubt my blaster is over there.
i dont get it he stole pics you took of the machine? but is it his machine or did he steal that from you? im not catching whats up...

The blaster in the photos is MINE. The one i sold. The ONLY way he could have gotten THOSE pictures are if he hacked my account or got them off here or google some how. Those are the EXACT same pictures i have in my photobucket. Not to mention that whole description is a liE!
Here ya go bro, own his ass, what a motherfucker.
haha this kid is gonna think "man this must be the day for blasters" sense he willl be getting all these calls, texts, emails and what not