Wrecked my 05 silverado saturday night


Jul 21, 2009
Just bought this truck last month with 50,000 miles,i payed $10,000 for it cash,lost control going 60 around a curve,hit 2 telephone poles with transformers on them,slid throufg about 50 yards of chain fence then smacked a giant aircondition unit on the side of a building

Got 5 lassarations on my left kidney and its bruised really bad also have really bad bruising on my right kidney and i was pissing blood,other then that i got a little soreness on my left hip and ribs,my girlfriend and one of my friends were riding with me,she broke her arm right above the elbow and he pulled some mucles in his back










wow dude ..........but was speeding really worth risking all 3 of ur lives......im glad everyones ok but i hope u learned a lesson from this
I learned my lesson,and i was only going 10 over the speed limit,my rear tires on that truck were so bald,when i came around the curve my rear end got loose and started drifting,then i lost it..

I just got full coverage insurance the day before so i think im going to get a new truck..not sure though.
man be glad you guys are ok..
the truck can be replaced, lucky u got that full coverage right before, you know their first thought is going to be ins. fraud, but with the broken bones and all im sure they will rule that out quick..
thats pretty rank, bent it up pretty good, i see an explorer right next to it haha.
wow and that car in the background looks like someone got thrown out the windshield
So you're blaming this on bad tires? Sounds to me like you just suck at driving, oh and respecting other peoples lives. Sorry, I'm not usually like this but vehicles don't just "start drifting" all willy-nilly. Glad nobody got killed, hope you wise up from this one.