wife not home.. need to vent


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
so i sent out a mass text to ppl i know with quads to sell my old tires..

the guy i got the blaster from says' so your gonna give me the front tires in exhange for the junk berrings in the banshee' im like dude i told your g/f id give ya the 25 bucks for berrings .. he said the carrier is junk... he goes typical you, wreck something than trade it..

im like WTF dude i rode it 30 min on the lake when i got it, and 10 min in the parkin lot at my house..

and he text me bakc and says... dont call or text me for anything any more, i dont care if you have the deal of alife time i dont wanna hear your bs any more...

i said whatever dude..

so.. he gettin hot about bad berrings or carrier in a BANSHEE i traded for a blaster.... lemme see a 99 banshee and a 89 blaster... banshee had fresh motor itp wheels renthol bars, pc pipes... blaster had pipe filter and holeshots on the back....

dude traded me a 500-800$ quad for a 1500-2000 banshee...

what ever FK him.. im so pissed off right now
yeah i know... just pisses me off.. i traded a quad worth alot more than ablaster for a blaster because.. well i know blasters... and banshees reputations for blowin up scared me... and dudes got the nerv to pitch a fit over some berrings... he rode it around before he traded me.. now says this over a month later..
beat his ass
Yeah man i bought my blasty like 6 months ago for 900 dollars and only used it like 5 times, and my whole engine locked up, the brakes stopped working all together, an a-arm snapped cuz they were welded, it had some cheap ghetto swingarm extender that kept coming loose which was really dangerous, then the chain snapped and could have broke my case but i was going really slow. And we bought it of a friend and we havent bitched at all to him .