with all this site has to offer from knowledge to diagrams people make and helping others diagnose problems and what not. im really suprised that people cant afford 10 measly dollars:-/
No paypal.... after they jacked 3 grand and held it for 6 months over a identity mishap i said screw them.
good point man, and yes there are reasons not to, pay-pal is easy to get, but i understand dude's prediciment, i am glad to be a supporting member, and i think that for the amount this forum gives you, you could give a little back, if you can that is...
I transfered the money to my account and they reversed it and put it on hold till they could "VERIFY" my identity. So they can ran sack you man. Read the terms they can pull money out of your bank account if they want. They are not a federal regulated bank. If you transfer say 100 bucks and they think its fishy they can pull 100 bucks from wherever they want.
I transfered the money to my account and they reversed it and put it on hold till they could "VERIFY" my identity. Meaning it never got to my middle bank setup like you have. So they can ran sack you man. Read the terms they can pull money out of your bank account if they want. They are not a federal regulated bank. If you transfer say 100 bucks and they think its fishy they can pull 100 bucks from wherever they want.
Also be aware if you ever apply for a pp debit or cc they will lock down your account for 60 days to verify your identity.
Nice website called paypalsucks.com for all this info.
well yeah yeah but 3 grand tied up in limbo is the suck dude. and it was a friend of mine so it really sucked because he had no 3 grand i had no 3 grand and he had no pinball. sh*tty for all. Waited 6 months for pp to not be gay. I had my lawyers call and everything dude. It was a 3 alarm sh*t fest man.
The new cc and dc rules went into affect this summer.