Oh well.

May 18, 2012
well as some of you's know by my part out thread in for sale section im parting my blaster out. i was going to be doing training to get my licence for work then use the rest of cash left to buy another blaster. but i had a think and although i love working on my quad i don't like the riding part. my heart just isn't in it like it use to be :-/ so i am parting it out and iv put £250/$400 on a xbox 360 bundle and the rest i make of shocks etc im gonna put away in a secure place incase i want something else later on not a bike or quad just anything really. i couldn't afford to keep quad i don't have anything i need to work like exams etc and the fuel over here is dearer than it is to ride the track for the day. plus my grandad doesn't keep well hes bothered with alot of illnesses and he has problems with his back from a previous incident when he was younger.(fell through a roof and never found out until 3 years ago he broke his back and it healed its self.) but i will still be coming on forum and helping people out when i can..

for all you guys that know i won the Hemi Head In The Raffle. i do have the head up for sale and whatever it makes im going to pay my ebay fees and going to send Joe the money that's left to hold another head raffle if he is up for it :)
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Life is funny sometimes, isn't it. Have to do what is best for now at least. The itch will strike again.

Gonna give ya all the GREEN I can for being stand up about the head.

Good luck and don't be a stranger around here I:I

To bad you couldn't have sold it whole.
Life is funny sometimes, isn't it. Have to do what is best for now at least. The ich will strike again.

Gonna give ya all the GREEN I can for being stand up about the head.

Good luck and don't be a stranger around here I:I

Thanks man! yeah man i know myself i can't afford to keep quad and i would be loosing money everyday it sat on the parts i just bought. but i might get the feeling back but for now il just stick to xbox. although a xbox game is double the track/petrol fees a day at least i have something to show for cash and i can use it whenever i want.

thanks man on green! yeah well i paid joe £20/$30 for to ship it (he paid other half as he said in the competition thread) iv started it at that as i know on ebay the us can pick a head up for $25 so that way someone will get to win one :) if he isn't able to hold another raffle i will sign up to be a member on here with cash as at least the money is going into the forum :)

i won't bud :) found a few friends on here I:I im loosing abit of cash on the parts as iv put them on ebay for a little lower than i paid just to sell them as iv got interest. i sold exhaust (guy is paying it up then once its paid in full im sending it.) he is also interested in my nerf bars so il only have a maximum of 15 things left? maybe lol got my engine sold fairly easy i was asking a little cheap for it but the guy i sold it to iv dealt with him before last year and he is genuine and he damaged his cases so he just bought whole engine off me. im just glad i will be able to get a xbox plus have cash a side as i go to the car boot sales with my granparents and i sometimes pick up good deals on either games consoles and sell them on or i buy antiques and sell them on. (something half my family do lol) but this time i will have good cash to buy things and its my own.

i would of bud but i would of lost a fair bit. although prices are like a couple of hundred dollars better than the us for blasters i still would of lost. im still losing money but not as much as i would selling it whole
sad....... hey if you like working on them so much maybe there are people around you that you could do work for on their 4 wheelers and make some money that way.
sad....... hey if you like working on them so much maybe there are people around you that you could do work for on their 4 wheelers and make some money that way.

i was wanting to do that bud but my mum won't let me lol won't risk the aggro coming to my granparents door if someone doesn't think its good enough etc. im going to a Adult Based Education course to get some qualifications and going to do quad/bike mechanic as a job what i was originally wanting to do :)
sad to see it go, but you're making adult decisions now to better your life.
you built a nice blaster on a limited budget, and it was a great learning experience, imagine what you can build with some money in your pockets !!!

hope to see you sticking around on here !
sad to see it go, but you're making adult decisions now to better your life.
you built a nice blaster on a limited budget, and it was a great learning experience, imagine what you can build with some money in your pockets !!!

hope to see you sticking around on here !

thanks man I:I yeah man well to be honest iv had enough of the way my life is. i want to work and if it means me selling what i like doing to get the things i need and get a job. money can replace things but no money won't get me anywhere. once iv got a job i will be buying another blaster and doing the original list with everything upgraded to my spec.

i will be sticking around I:I im on here everyday of every minute lol so i don't think il desert you guys ;) id miss it more than my quad haha :p