Who needs a jack!

"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." -Archimedes
Ole Archie sure saved my day, hours off the beaten track.

The tyre blew and where we rolled to a stop, someone had provided rock and lever.

And for those thinking that the silly old fart drives a vehicle without the proper tools, it was a borrowed truck, but I suppose the silly old fart should have checked the toolbox, my bad.
In military leadership courses they give you tasks to lead the group through. One of mine was changing a flat front tire on a military 1 ton truck. We were provided with an axe and shovel and a pile of cut wood and some longer logs and given 45 minutes to complete the task. The intention was for us to lever it up in the air as illustrated above, but this is a seriously heavy truck. I opted for one guy digging a hole in front of the flat tire, two more removing the spare from the roof and two pulling almost all the nuts off the flat. Then I had them jam a 18" long stump of wood diagonally under the front axle near the flat. We drove the truck forward a foot and stopped over the hole, removed the flat and popped on the spare. Backed it up and tightened the nuts. 15minutes!

Sometimes you have to think outside the box...
The whole process took us 20mins, most of the time was taken in removing the branches from the limb with a screwdriver and hammer.

My lad had to damage the branch point severly to allow it to break.

The limb was a fresh fall and the Eucalypt is very tough when fresh.

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