whittys build

got the slide in today, finally....

already got it switched out

here is why id needed changed

got some work done this evening, started work this week and have been fixing toilets and faucets non stop. Tired as hell but have to get this thing built.

Got the bearings and seals pressed in and the carrier on the swinger, just need to get the new bearings on the pivot end.

one question. Gunna take the old needle bearings out of my swinger even though they are ok, not great, so imma swith em, which way to i beat them out, out the side or towards the inside?

here are some pics of the work


and some oil and such i picked up the other day

also picked up a UNI filter to replace my K&N which should please awk lol

well its about time u did something other than drink beer and not get sh*t done,lol

lookin good bro. that axle/carrier wasnt going to win that fight was it!
yeah. it was a hell of a deal man, i actually priced everything for my brother since he had no idea what sh*t was worth, coulda got more out of it but its bf.com pricing for these parts, hes happy with what put for prices on them. i almost bought it dude but my money was tied up elsewhere. now get this biotch back together