Which would you choose?

Which one?

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New Member
Feb 4, 2008
New York
Ok, Im getting my old thread deleted that I made and Im pretty sure this is my choice! I:I Im going to see if i can get my hands on a race hood then Im going to mod a 450r hood on :D Im not paying $250 for a damn hood from project blaster. This is what Im going for. One of the two. Im leaning towards the red one! Thing is so sick. Ill make it look like the pictures. Which would you choose? PLEASE IF YOU LOOK, VOTE!






i have always hated red but i do love the yellow on the quad it looks badass an i think its cocky as hell. u see red every where its i think the color that is way over rated
As you can see I voted for red, why? I feel its a nicer one of the two, I do agree with the above though..... its way over done. But it looks great imo.

I think it should be a different shade of red though, i'm not diggin it. If I was you I'd pick the red one but insted of a red frame, do a black frame with red accents and a few chrome parts along with a real clean graphic kit to tie it together. Just my .02
As you can see I voted for red, why? I feel its a nicer one of the two, I do agree with the above though..... its way over done. But it looks great imo.

I think it should be a different shade of red though, i'm not diggin it. If I was you I'd pick the red one but insted of a red frame, do a black frame with red accents and a few chrome parts along with a real clean graphic kit to tie it together. Just my .02

I do agree with you on the shade of red. Im going to see what my dad can do about a red with a high metallic flake then Ill shoot it after we re-design these motor mounts that are complete garbage. As far as the black frame, even though the red and black are common, black frames are everywhere. If I had the cash I would love to get some pieces dipped such as pegs, kicker, shifter, springs ect. It would look nasty but I dont wanna spend $300 on chrome pieces when I could get a pipe for that.