What's Your X-mas List's?


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
I have approval

nerfbars, 400ex rear, g force rear axle, prm rear grab bar, tusk come series bumper with a skull face plate= bada**! all gonna run my folks about 450$ yes and i still will get surprises which i have no idea what they are.....

My b-day is Jan 2nd and I haven't planned what i want yet but if worst comes i just want money...my dad just sold his company to a bigger company so we have some extra cash layin around....

What are all of your guys Christmas lists?

mine is money money more money and did i mention money
lol also wishing for some place to hire a 15 year old aka me
G force axle , new plastics , vito's 240 bb kit , power valve , blingstar black bumper , diamond j +6" widening kit , new douglas blue label wheels , 20" front and 18" rear dirt tires , watercooled head kit , maybe some dunestars for my spare set of rear wheels , hmmmmm I'm thinkin santa will need to see the chiropractor . oh yeah and a set of elka's too....... and new riding gear , and hmmmm a stroker crank , that should do it
G force axle , new plastics , vito's 240 bb kit , power valve , blingstar black bumper , diamond j +6" widening kit , new douglas blue label wheels , 20" front and 18" rear dirt tires , watercooled head kit , maybe some dunestars for my spare set of rear wheels , hmmmmm I'm thinkin santa will need to see the chiropractor . oh yeah and a set of elka's too....... and new riding gear , and hmmmm a stroker crank , that should do it

lol seriously? 1515151515
G force axle , new plastics , vito's 240 bb kit , power valve , blingstar black bumper , diamond j +6" widening kit , new douglas blue label wheels , 20" front and 18" rear dirt tires , watercooled head kit , maybe some dunestars for my spare set of rear wheels , hmmmmm I'm thinkin santa will need to see the chiropractor . oh yeah and a set of elka's too....... and new riding gear , and hmmmm a stroker crank , that should do it

Holy sh*t are you rich or something. i dont reccomend the diamond j kit they bend very easily. and i didnt know they made a powervalve for blasters?
G force axle , new plastics , vito's 240 bb kit , power valve , blingstar black bumper , diamond j +6" widening kit , new douglas blue label wheels , 20" front and 18" rear dirt tires , watercooled head kit , maybe some dunestars for my spare set of rear wheels , hmmmmm I'm thinkin santa will need to see the chiropractor . oh yeah and a set of elka's too....... and new riding gear , and hmmmm a stroker crank , that should do it

ok, this guy clearly thought of anything he could and put it on the list LOL
ok, this guy clearly thought of anything he could and put it on the list LOL

hell yes thats what I did , and I was talking about the rad valve , I'd be able to buy it for myself for xmas at least some of it , but my 8 year old is gettin a quad for xmas , now we can go dunin together , she's gonna be stoked , I did buy a chinese quad , but for the money , and she's never rode before , it will be a good beginner for her . I'm thinkin she'll grow into the blasty , and i'll jump on a raptor I:I