My early x-mas gift to myself

why not?? it will whoop alot of quads.. and you can get a 92 which has alot of Z400 parts so they did something right back then.. thats how they made DG nerfs mine are riveted from the factory they changed how they attached them alot
heres a couple more pics of my quadracer for you guys to check out






too bad they changed somethign in the 90s the rear suspension is a bit different other wise i would try the z400 shock deal...

why does your quad look so twisted up? that front bumper must be bent.....maybe its just my does look to be in pretty good shape esp seeing the price you paid!!!
i dont have the front renders or nose cone bolted on, and if you look @ the LH fender right where the upper shock mount is you can see a chunk missing thats why it looks like it is tilted and the front bumer the u bolts that bolt to the front of the frame are loos i gotta go through the whole quad with a stainless steel bolt kit but i am debating about dissasembeling the whole quad and painting, and polishing it up and put it together over the winter. but i couldnt be happier with it for $275 8)