What's your top speed?

super charged gold powerband ftw!

lol 1515151515
I have a 490 going to convert to a 465 with yz ignition I dont think Ill open her all the way up lol..But its sitting on the bench untill it can be done right$
oh i'm sorry i meant 112mph with 10:50 gearing with 10" tires. lmao but for real I don't see ya reachin 62mph with those gears and tires with room to spare. I maxed out at 67mph with 14:38 on 20" tires with portwork, head mod and +3 crank.

Seriously I did.. Could it have something to do with 165psi compression? im not sure how it all works I just know it was damn fast :p this is why I was asking because i could keep with most people on here that have so many more mods than me.. :S and since the road wasnt perfect flat it kept trying to pull from side to side! 8-|
Seriously I did.. Could it have something to do with 165psi compression? im not sure how it all works I just know it was damn fast :p this is why I was asking because i could keep with most people on here that have so many more mods than me.. :S and since the road wasnt perfect flat it kept trying to pull from side to side! 8-|

lmao RAAAYYYYY!!!! that thing must rev to 10000rpm to get 65+mph Must be the airbox lid removed.

my gearing 15/40 22' rear tires roughly 110 kph
Using a GPS I had over 70 mph with my KTM powered Blaster and my son's originally got about 50mph stock. I have since sprocketed slower, about 60mph and he is just a shade slower on top speed now.
No accurate numbers at the moment, sorry, but 60-65mph is probably right.
Still faster than any of the 750-800cc 4x4 quads I have ever run with.


Yeah it pulls from side to side at speed! Scary! Toe in has to be perfect and no slop in the front suspension.
Better to air the tires up too. Felt safer at 10 psi. Lengthened swing arm helped stability at speed too.
I am still running drum brakes and they are not so good at speed either.
Even with everything set up good, they still can go into a death wobble at those speeds.

I had a Raptor 660 before this Blaster. About 70-75mph top speed according to GPS.
Very prone to weird handling issues at those speeds. Too many close calls.


I like the Blaster so much better by-the-way...