spelt it wrong wrench lol.....sup ! my parents a going to england for a few weeks and stuff is cheaper there! so just wondering what torque rench to get ? it will only be used on quads/bikes nothing else! cheapst and easy to use?
Not sure man I don't even have a torque wrench. But, while you're gone, you better have that YFZ locked up because I may take a special trip to your house for it!! haha
spend some money on a TQ wrench the cheap ones fall out of calibration quickly. make sure you always return on to the lowest setting when your done using it and it will stay calibrated much much longer. i have three TQW, they are all MAC IMHO you cant beat a MAC, however SnapOn makes some really nice ones as well
You can get what ever ones fit your budget.The better ones will last a bit longer but they all work if you take care of them.You will want a 3/8 or 1/2 drive foot pounds torque wrench and you need a 1/4 or 3/8 drive inch pounds torque wrench.Both foot pounds and inch pounds wrenches are needed for blaster motors.
We have 1/4inch and 1/2, and yea you just losen little nut at bottom to unlock and then turn that knurled piece untill the marks line up with the specified troque...they all come with a little manual anyway to tell you in more detail