what is the problem?


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
my blaster stopped working, so i took it apart. Reeds are fine, compression is fine, fuel is fine, but it will noty start. the obly way is is to hold the throttle open and then it will start. My buddy thinks it is the electrical sytem. Ont the throttle box on the handle bar, is it supposed to be touching a little orange button when i m offf the throttle? and is there supposed to be a small piece of foam in ther too? Thanks a lot
I bought a blaster off a guy, and two weeks later it stalled out on me in the snow. It had really crappy compresion, and it made a really wierd sound out the exhaust a couple of kicks. I managed to get it started again, but i had to keep it at half throttle to keep it alive. It is getting spark too, so that would mean there is no problem with the t.o.r.s. and the light also comes on. thanks
i dont get it.. first it had crappy compression, then it has good compression.. just going by what you have said i would say that your (a) fuel isnt that great (b) your stator is ready to give out (c) air filter is beyond filthy (d) you may have gremlins living in your motor
take measurments off of your stator and get back to me... and check your filter!!
i thought it had bad compression but that was only from when i was trying to start it at night, in the snow, with a 10 lb wet boot. I realized it had fine compression when i started working on it. the air filter is fine, and so is the fuel. I will look at the stator and remove the tors tonigh tor tomorow. thanks