what do i do

yeah i was pissed, and i already tried makin him pay for it back in september when it got stolen, but my mom said he dont have to pay for it cuz he is only 16 with no job
this is some bullshit man i hope you get it back. and i would have kicked my brothers ass so bad that he would get a job and buy a new one.
i have been lookin on craigs list for some who might trade me for my dirt bike, or car, so i can get a new quad, then ill just get a job so i can afford to fix a stock quad all up, cuz my old blaster was all aftermarket and fast as hell
theres an idea lol^^^^

idk how it works around you but do they not have to notify you, the owner, that they have it in their possesion? i would cell em on that sayin nobody contacted you saying they had it in their lot and that you should not have to pay for it.
It's your quad and don't take no for an answer.Don't want to sound like a tough guy but if it was my quad they better give it back or I am going down swinging!!I don't understand how the tow company can make you pay all that money.It was reported stolen by you.They should only charge you the regular fee and $20 a day from the day they found it to the day you reported it.If you reported it stolen before it was found then it should be the fee.Sounds like they are all busting your balls.The tow guy should man up and let it go cheap.
its a yz 450 dirt bike, and yeah i already thought about stealing it back lol but im pretty sure they keep it locked in a garage, or it would already be back at my house :). but yeah lol they never told me they found it untill last week which is 7 months later, when i saw it then they were like oh yeah we found this back in september in a field, its yours if you can prove paper work and pay the fee, he said its $20 a day so over $4000, i got shiity with him so he was like ill do ya a favor and cut it in half and only charge you $2000. i said wtf its my quad not yours, it got stolen from me, so you expect me to pay for it, i shouldnt pay for anything, and he said well get a hold of the cop that took the report that day, so i call that cop and well im still waiting on him to call me back, hes being a dick cop at this point
If had the VIN # you'd be good. The cops would have ran it probably when they found it and noticed it stolen. I would find out when the cop you need to talk to works and wait in the lobby with your bill of sale and pics till he's in. Even my Mom had a problem getting stolen stuff back. It took a long, long, long time. Returning stolen merch seems to no be high on the list. I don't like to use tow companies that have yards like that. I know they are a legit business, but I'm sure people get screwed all the time.
I have a feeling if its missing from the lot the cops will end up right at your house since technically it is there bike. You may have to cut your loses on the bike, but deff. don't want to get charged with anything.
i actually have plans on going to check it out tonight to see if they keep it out side, if they keep it outside im takin it, but yeah i already knew that about them coming to my house, thats why for a few weeks im keepin the quad at my buddys house who lives about 45 minutes from town in the middle of no where, and im still gonna call every day about it like i have been, and if they tell me it was stolen ill go off on them lol, but why would the best time be to take it in day light?
what a bunch of sh*t!! my advise is keep on them, but dont get a big attitude that never helps with dealing with the police...