What did you do to your blaster today?

lmfao! wtf... if u can fit it in that little silencer hole u got bigger problems haha

Touching and having sex are 2 different things. The only way they are the same is that you have to touch the "girl" or "object" you are partaking in sexual activities with. You have to touch, cant just have air sex. :D
Oh... but i did get my toomey stickers today so i put those on. waxed her up, polished the shiny stuff etc etc
Nice and clean:
It was a hard race for the blaster. I'm a big guy, I still don't have my rear cables working right, and there was some deep silt on the hills. This stuff was fine like powdered sugar or flour and was like 5 inches deep in the ruts. I'd hit that stuff and lose all momentum. And my tires wouldn't grip it. That's actually how I flipped it the first time. Came up to a hill, got a go at it made it most of the way up and she lost traction but I wasn't going down backwards so I kept hard on the throttle, I dug all the silt out, got too much traction and she threw me off. But atleast I wasn't the only one flipping it there. in the 5 minutes I spent on top of that hill to catch my breath, I saw 10-15 450's either roll sideways or flip back as well.
Installed a 44tooth rear sprocket. helped a lot in the woods still running rough in the midrange. gearing it up for my 13year old son for christmas. great website thankz
i swapped my rear rims and tires for my brothers from his 300ex.... mine were stock rims with holeshots, his were aluminum with dunlop _______'s on em.... decided maybe i would swap em' .... so i did, rode it around, and hated it.... so i switched back

wait what? the bolt patterns arent the same on a stock 300ex and stock 03 blaster unless you put 300ex hubs on your blaster how is this possible
MONDAY>>> #1) replaced my clutch side seal (she was starting to smoke a little) #2) did a rebuild on carbie (was leaking fuel) bad seat! #3) did a visual inspection of nuts & bolts, nut on rear shock( top mount )was missing? found one in my misc.folgers bucket. ran out of day light...Tomorrow i will pollish my fmf fatty and rims,then hopfully go get her dirty on sat. again