What did you do to your blaster today?

I played with my new bumper.........:D

I played with a grab bar that i might weld to my bumper...
got my airbox hooked up, which turned out pretty decent, and then found a gravel road to make jetting passes, looks like the thing is running 1 or 2 sizes rich, but i'm gonna leave it alone cuz it was HOT and HUMID today
sold my old broken blaster for $500, pulled out my dads blaster, after sitting since last summer, it only needed a quick change of gas and ran better than mine used to.

almost got caught taking a short cut to my favorite bit of woods on the highway. =P

showed up my friend on his Cat 500. heheh.
wasted 40 bucks on a shorty cable.....thinkin about switchin out for some hydraulics. also makin big plans for sup'n this thing up that will prolly never happen. wish i had some money.....
gonna go out and cut up a set of fenders soon. other than that i looked out the window at it a few times.....
I put the stock tires and wheels from my old 07 700 Raptor on my Blaster, surprised to see they were the same bolt pattern, also snugged up all four allen head bolts on my V-Force 3 Reeds. Lubed my chain and bidded on a F7 looking exhaust for the ole girl.
I didnt exactly do anything to the Blaster but I put this oil mat down underneath so if it ever leaks, it doesnt get my garage floor dirty. I got it at Napa Auto Parts. Good sh*t!