What did you do to your blaster today?

i experimented with a bigger jet didnt like it. keeping it stock. cleaned carb. and got my bike to idle real nice
I played with my new bumper.........:D

sweet deal 79, that thing looks pretty mean.

i adjusted the clutch, and then the kickstarter spring came out when i put it back together, going to go out and correct that soon if all goes well.
I just cut, bent, and put on my new aluminium air scoops. Very easy to make and install and only cost about $15 and 1 hour. And i did a little more work on the new +8 swingarm that im making, its looking great and has only cost me around $60 so far i will def put new pics up when im done. It has been much easier and cheaper to fab that i thought just need some free time. I will have to put up some pics of the new blue LED undercariage lights they turned out crazy awesome!!!!!!!!!!
im making a +5 also for everyday and track riding but being that this is the first one ive done i wanted to go big with it i dont really care about it being practical. i also want to check for any weak areas in or near the welds and anything i could do to improve my +5 cause it will be the one that takes the punishment from jumping and riding, but it will not go on until I can afford the new a-arms, so i can adjust the rear shock crossbrace on the swingarm according to the new ride height. +8 is all for fun and riding around the house and practice.
thanks i like them too they definitely turn alot of heads. im kind of tall 6' 1" so i end up sitting back far on the seat and with the new gearing and other mods its hard to keep 4 wheels on the ground, and when we ride tracks the extra leverage helps. i had a +3 on my '98 blaster and it was good but i think the +5 will give me a little more stability where i need it
Ya that +5 is still really gonna be to long to be practical. The most I have seen on a blaster is +4 and that is even with bbk's, strokers, and porting.

As a side note, I was gonna go home and pull the my pipe and paint it black to cover up the rustiness, and was gonna rewire and possible relocate my wall-e lights, but had to go to the GF's instead.
if that blaster is too small for you, maybe it is time to upgrade to a bigger quad.

but yesterday i stripped the blaster down to almost nothing. going to stay that way for a while til i get the top end bored and ready to be dropped in.
i had a banshee that i sold when my daughter was born about a year and a half ago and i kept the blaster. i really regret selling it but ive always loved my blasters i got my first one when i was 14 (15 years ago) and ive always had 1 on deck since. i dont think im to big im 6'1" 185 im just mostly legs. but i plan to get a new ride in the future, hopefully another Shee, but if i cant find one it will be the YFZ 450R, my buddy got the new 450R and its SICK, already fully set up to race just need new exhaust and nerf bars. But im a 2 stroker the oil runs in my blood. So we will see what the future holds. Ride Safe!!!!!!!!
couple ideas for you............

drop the pegs down about 1.5 inches, and move the fenders back 4 inches. should make the blasty feel a ton bigger

gonna go out to the hardware store to pick up the stuff to finish my rear hydro swap and hook up the airbox
brandoz... yes i am sure this time. i had leaks and have replaced EVERY GASKET including sylicone on my reed gaskets. i saw oil coming out of my head so i changed the gasket one time. i was riding and noticed more oil coming out of my head. so i pulled it off and did the lapping. then i put on another head gasket and i pulled two of the bolts out while i was torquing them. so i ordered new gaskets again. so now i have a freshly lapped head and i put those bolts back in with heli-coils.
umm. Today i took my carb out for the first time to check my jetting and clean it. I found out that it was stock and i need to upgrade but dono what to upgrade to cuz nobody was clear on my post. Also i unscrewed my pilot jet and didnt right down what it was at:(.

On the bright side i finished painting my plastics and bought some wax for them. fixed the power power washer and cleaned my blasty. lubed my chained. cleaned my filter. ripped a tube attached to the blasty carb. Yayayayay