went riding


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
madison ohio
went riding in pa again didnt get the blaster out but still had the grizzly and outlander. i had the outlander burried tried to push it with the grizzly and got that stuck to. was able to get the grizzly unstuck by picking the back end up and moving it over but we had to get a chain to pull the outlander out. the grizzly is a beast and it definatley smokes the outlander.grizzly top speed 66 outlander 45

the blaster should be running by next week then ill get it out there some badass trails is there anyone near conneut pa where i go is the boarder of ohio and pa off state line its pretty close to route 7
I'm up by youngstown can be in PA less than an hour usually, blaster isn't running though and have no clue whats wrong
that blows dude whats the symptoms

No spark, big wiring problem that I just can't figure it out. At this point I'm guessing I'm gonna have to pull the flywheel and check the wires at the stator make sure everything is connected right. but don't have a puller
blasterdude, i know how u feel man ive been stressing for days now and my blasty still isnt fixed, possible stator fault though. have you asked on here for help with it? do you have a manual? if not i could get you a wiring diagram etc?
Sorry man didn't mean to get off track. Sounds like you had a lot of fun on ur ride. I haven't been out riding for almost a year :( I'm hopein to get the blasty an shee running with in a month or so.
looks like you had fun out there man. i might actually get my junk back out the beginning of next week