well i got bored today


New Member
Feb 9, 2009
Langhorne, PA
I had the basket and decided to use it to make the bed of my truck alittle longer!!! All i need to do now is put some trail lights and a plate bracket on it so the cops dont bother me. I did this so i dont have to pull a trails for two quads. save me some money on tolls!! its not the greatest looking thing but it works!!



very nice! i would make like two or three lips that would come up onto the bed when you put that into the hitch. it will give it more support and straigthen out that little bit of stress on the bottom. heres a picture:

*disregard my quick paint skills haha, but you get the idea.
very nice! i would make like two or three lips that would come up onto the bed when you put that into the hitch. it will give it more support and straigthen out that little bit of stress on the bottom. heres a picture:

*disregard my quick paint skills haha, but you get the idea.

Thats a pretty good idea thanks. it does move around alittle and that would stop that!! but other then that the thing works great. i went for a drive with it on there and it seemed to hold up ok. the real test will be when i drive 2 hrs to go riding or 3 hrs to the mountians!!!I:I
Thats a pretty good idea thanks. it does move around alittle and that would stop that!! but other then that the thing works great. i went for a drive with it on there and it seemed to hold up ok. the real test will be when i drive 2 hrs to go riding or 3 hrs to the mountians!!!I:I

yeah, i guess as long as you have the quad strapped down real good, nothin should happen. or you could take one or two straps and strap it from the back of the extension to the front of your bed too. that should take off some stress too
yeah, i guess as long as you have the quad strapped down real good, nothin should happen. or you could take one or two straps and strap it from the back of the extension to the front of your bed too. that should take off some stress too

yea i dont see it being a problem. not a bad way to turn your 6 foot bed to 10 foot bed!!!!! LOLI:I
man i like your truck loving the duals what motor is in that? oh yea saving cash is nice..on the tolls
Looks good man. Are you going to have any problems having license plate obstructed? Check with DMV to make sure sure, and the lights would also be another good way to go. Nice job dude.
man i like your truck loving the duals what motor is in that? oh yea saving cash is nice..on the tolls

Looks good man. Are you going to have any problems having license plate obstructed? Check with DMV to make sure sure, and the lights would also be another good way to go. Nice job dude.

My truck hahah It only has a 4.3 v6 but it runs its face off. motor has 176,000 on it but runs great. i bought it like 5 months ago for 2,500 couldnt pass up that deal.And as for the license plate im gonna make a bracket to move out on the back of the basket when i use it and im also putting trailer lights on it. just so no one hits my blasty!!!
I have a Back Rack on my truck.I just pull the first one and flip it up on it's grab bar strap it to the Back Rack then the 2nd goes straight in sitting on all fours.I can even fit my RM on the side if need be.Looks good though.Nice Job.
yeah i noticed the truck too! its a nice truck. great shape too. id lift it up a little too but thats just me :D haha

haha i had a lifted k-5 blazer and it rode like crap!! and this truck is only 2 wheel drive. I had my fun with lifted trucks and lowerd trucks. I like my nice smooth ride now....LOLI:I
Yea and tolls suck HAHAH. thanks eveyone. it wasnt that had to make it only took me about an hour or two. i got the angle iron from lowes.