Watts for custom light


New Member
Feb 9, 2009
Sonora, Mexico
Hello, just started this forum thing, and i have my firste question:

i own a 88 blaster, started tuning it and installed some fog lights, they seem to work just fine, engine will not die and the quad wont have any trouble starting or running; my questios is: will i damage any electrical parts if these fog lights are 12v - 50 watts?
you can only run 1 50watt light the stator puts out around 55 watts.. i am running 2 walmart driving lights with 2 20watt flood lights in them and they light the trail very nicely ..
i've been told that the generator or the stator might break down in time, i'm running two 50w lamps, can this happen in any way??
using two 50 watt bulbs will add up to 100 watts, might have a problem with this????

do you advice to use two 25 watt bulbs instead???
when i got my lights from walmart i mounted then up for the hell of it just to see what they would do and they did work but they were not bright they were real dim ..