Wanting to move to Canada when i get older

If I am not mistaken the average cost for the bottom grade fuel is 84.9 cents per litre correct? If you convert this to our standard here in america it equates to about $3.21 per gallon. That is nearly a dollar more than I paid for SHELL fuel (which is about $4.15/ gal there in Canada.)

Lets do some math..... I drive 45.2 miles to work 1 way and my vehicle gets 30.5 mpg. Additionally, I work 6 days a week....... So.....

Miles driven daily: 90.4
Miles driven weekly: 542.4
Miles driven yearly: 28,204.8

If my vehicle gets 30.5 mpg (08 Dodge Avenger) then I am using 924.74 gallons of fuel per year.

924.71 @ $2.34/ Gallon- $2163.90( I paid this today in Muncie In. for SHELL Fuel)
924.71 @ $3.21/ Gallon- $2968.31( lowest price for noon shell I could find in Ontario)
924.71 @ $4.15/ Gallon- $3837.54(Lowest price I could find for SHELL fuel in Ontario)

Comparing apples to apples there is a $1673.64 difference in annual fuel cost between here and there. Now..... I had to have shoulder surgery this spring to repair a slap leision. Between my monthly contribution to my insurance, my entire deductible AND medications I spent $2,670. Subtract the difference in fuel costs and it only cost me $996.36 to have my shoulder reapired by a top notch surgeon.

Factor in your sales tax that ranges anywhere from 8% to 12% (.13 per litre on alcoholic beverages and the same cigarettes someone could buy here for less tha $4/pack cost almost $7/pack there) and I would say it was actually cheaper to live here, pay our tax and topay for my premium health care than to live in Canada and get free health care......

Other than that, I love Canada! In my opinoin it is the last frontier! Beautiful place and beautiful multi-cultured people!!!!!

I myself wouldn't mind living there either but not for the health care. The wilderness, adventure, great fishing and hunting and countless other wonders probablly don't even begin to touch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Canada!!!!

I apologize for the long post but anyone that says a goverment (regardless who's it is) gives you something for free, they probablly don't see the big picture.
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Obviouslly its not free but why are you relating gas prices to medicare? Im not banging on you, you do say you like canada, but actually putting gas prices as a big problem between the 2 countries is rediculess.
Fuel prices are in no way a downfall to Canada.

I was trying to relay that while healtcare may be free of a monthly premium and deductible via an insurance company, there are other factors to consider.

From what I have researched, countries that offer free health care tend to have higher taxes on everything. So while insurance may be free, you still pay for it.

I have nothing against Canada and would love to visit or even live there myself but I wouldn't do it for the "free healthcare."

Additionally, the healthcare system here in the states happens to be a huge issue. I am not for or against it entirely provided it meets my own selfish needs. I just feel there are so many other aspects that seem to go over looked. All of these countries who offer free healthcare are used as the example but that is the only example they use. No one mentions anything else about those countries!

The example I used simply showed that while the healthcare was free it would not save me any money in the long term. The fuel savings in addition to the savings in sales tax more than covers what I paid out of pocket to have a rather extensive surgery preformed by a top notch doctor.

We could actually compound these numbers year over year and w/o any major events it would be more cost effective to pay for my medical insurance.

If I offended anyone I apologize!

I personally have a lot to be thankful for because of Canada....

1. RIM (couldn't live w/o my Blackberry)
2. Alexander Ghram Bell
3.Pamela Anderson
4. Shania Twain
5. Television (invented by a Canadian but don't know who)
Ahh you guys just wish you had it. Have fun paying out the ass for your healthcare.

Actually, I am lobbying pretty hard against it. I just went to B.C. this past summer and made it a point to do some research on health care while I was there. It's not that I have anything against another country for their socialist system, it's just not what made America great. Canada is a BEAUTIFUL place with great people. But the reality is, many of the people that can afford it travel to the U.S. for medical care because the care is better. And maybe it's just for the more important things involving specialists, like cancer treatment and heart procedures.
In Canada if you are 22 and you need an MRI and surgery to fix your knee, I think it can happen in about 3 months or so. But if you are in that same province and you are 62, it will take just a hair over a year just to get the MRI.

And I will work, and innovate, and overcome any obstacle in my way to get my family whatever they need. Because that's what we do here.

I think if someone wants to live in Canada, more power to them. I just can't imagine giving up all that we have here in the United States of America.
besides all that health care stuff, they have some of the best medicine and its no hassle enjoying it. thats the only reason i dont indulge in the green anymore its crappy here and illegal.

call it socialism if you want but if i had to pay a monthly premium for my mail i would be pissed.(if you dont get what im sayin dont worry about it lol)
call it socialism if you want but if i had to pay a monthly premium for my mail i would be pissed.(if you dont get what im sayin dont worry about it lol)

That is actually a great point.
The government runs the post office. It is currently running an annual deficit of 7 billion dollars. SEVEN BILLION!!!
Postal deficit to go up by 41% in 2009-10 -  India Union Budget 2009 News
And they are protected from fair competition. UPS and Fed/Ex have limits placed on them so that the USPS does not face true competition. And yet UPS and Fed/Ex both turn a profit.
And for what it's worth, at the current time I have the choice of who I want to use (for packages, again, the government will not let the private sector compete in the mail business).
How long will we have a choice if the bloated government keeps taking more and more power?
And we are paying for the post office. Everyone who WANTS to use it pays. No one is forced..........yet.

Man, if that wasn't a thread hi-jack, I don't know what is!