Wanna Flip my fronts. Need Shorter Stems?


Sep 20, 2010
Sewage Drain
I want to flip my front rims so my blaster is wider. But mines an 03 and the stock valve stems hit the caliper. I know you can get shorter stems for the rims and I want to. I found a few but I dont know the dimensions of the stem holes in the rim so I dont know which ones will work. Can you guys help me out? Thanks
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Re: Wanna Flip my fronts. Need Shorter Studs?

I don't think it does any good on the 03+'s but could be mistaken

I no for a fact that it makes it +2 inches wider. Because I flipped them once not knowing the studs would hit the caliper until i started riding it... but it makes it wider.
Re: Wanna Flip my fronts. Need Shorter Studs?

that what i was sugessted to use at one point, u can be my scientific monkey, if they work i will get them, if not its your pollum lolol
Re: Wanna Flip my fronts. Need Shorter Studs?

its not the studs , its the valve stem that hits the caliper. Simpler and easier solution is get a $20.00 set of 1.5" wheel spacers from ebay . they will set the wheels out far enough so no wheel or tire modification is required
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Re: Wanna Flip my fronts. Need Shorter Studs?

its not the studs , its the valve stem that hits the caliper. Simpler and easier solution is get a $20.00 set of 1.5" wheel spacers from ebay . they will set the wheels out far enough so no wheel or tire modification is required

i said stems... but thanks anyway.. im asking for a set of 2.0" spacers for the rear for xmas... mine as well ask for front ones. thanks again
I drilled a new hole on the inside of the rim, added a valve stem and then cut out the old stem and replaced it by putting a stem in backwards. Costs about $5 for 4 new stems