W5- Atv deaths ....


New Member
May 27, 2009
ok currently im watching this ATV this on W5 about ppl dieing on quads....and all the quads they have shown are f*cking utility quads that weigh a ton and the ppl driving it were either old and weak or a 14 yr old girl and im getting pissed because its soo bias....oviously everything is dangerous, why dont they compare this to car crashes or motorcycle crashes....f*ck they just make everything sound bad and now my mom will like ban me from my banshee or some stupid sh*t
hmmm couldnt agree more! i was watching this commercial saying.... if you have been injured on a yamaha atv you have the right to sew or some dumb sh*t like that.... its caused when these obese dicks get on a bigass utility quad for there first time and end up rolling it... seriously i dont give a sh*t against those types of people
cmon man, we all have the right to sew, you dont have to get in a wreck to do that, and i have an obese dick? is there a problem?

We do not have the right to sue yamaha when a person that is completly untrained to ride a quad or dirtbike gets on one and takes off. there is warning on the bikes themselves and in owner manuals. the problem is all these cheap f*ckers out here that thing they can get some money cause they are dumbasses and got on a quad and couldnt ride it. it pisses me off to no extent that people even think about making lawsuits with these companys. they are not true to this sport because they would not try to sue a manufacterer of atvs or dirtbikes because in reality if this sh*t keeps happening they are gunna just try to stop this sport all around.......... sorry for my rant it just pisses me off
couldnt agree more ^^^ there is a reason i dont let people ride anything i own because they will probally sue.. and another thing that pisses me off that yamaha keeps getting sued for the rhino a friends dad that is in tight with yamaha was saying they had a 14 year old kids family sueing them because he fell out and the rhino fell on him killing him.. i can find a problem with that right there he is 14 on a rhino which is meant and says right on them 16 and up only!! and nobody was riding with him like!!! and guess who won the battle the family!! they won like $20,000 cant remember exact number and on top of that his life insurance and got a free rhino!!! that just pises me off iv been hurt on quads and have once blammed a roll over on the company that made it ughhh i could keep going but im gonna stop
Wait, whats wrong with you people!!! Surely its Yamaha's fault I tried to climb a hill that was too steep and my blaster rolled back on me and the my friend behind me!!! Yamaha needs to do more to stop these kind of accidents!!! There should have been more specific stickers on my Blaster telling me not to climb steep hills!!! And better stickers ones I cant peel off!!! There should have been one about this specific hill!!! If Yamaha was a truly responsible company they would have had a Yamaha rep standing at the bottom of the hill to warn me that it was a bad idea to try and drive a Blaster up it!!!
I had plenty of atvs roll over and stuff but atleast ill admit I was being a dumb ass and that is why not because it wasn't built right.
Maybe because alot of you americans love lawyers and love sueing people. if you all weren't thinking sue the f*ckers in your head when something goes wrong, then this wouldnt be a problem. biotch at me all you want but i love canada, that being one of the reasons.
Maybe because alot of you americans love lawyers and love sueing people. if you all weren't thinking sue the f*ckers in your head when something goes wrong, then this wouldnt be a problem. biotch at me all you want but i love canada, that being one of the reasons.

Yamaha Rhino Rollover: Rhino lawsuit moves forward as Yamaha launches repair campaign | Beasley Allen

Yamaha Rhino Rollover: Canada | Beasley Allen

looks like YOU Canadians are just as bad, dick head.
no need to call anyone a dick head. but the real dickheads are the ones that get on a quad one time and wreck it. then try to sue! like seriously stop trying to ruin our sport just because you suck at it..
wtf yamaha rhino laywer.com? are you kidding me? and sure theres the odd people that get angry when there little kid gets killed, but we dont sue 1/3 as much as you guys do.
lol.............i agree...dont sue the company when it was your own fault not knowing how to drive the dam thing or wearing proper safety gear....more people die smoking then atv crashes