im not gonna argue about who is right and who isnt with a bunch of teenagers. have you actually been to the pentagon to see the hole in its side before it was repaired? i did. it was larger than 16 feet, not to mention a former commanding officer of mine was in that wing when it was hit.

typical teenager, thinks he knows it all and doesnt have the experience or know how to back up his mouth.
hey valhala, let me correct you about the pentagon, the hole you saw in the pentagon was larger, alot larger than 16 feet, but my friend, that was due to part of the wall burning down and collapsing, before the outer ring of the wall collapsed there was only a single hole no wider than 16ft in diameter on the outer wall. A boeing 757 is a 155ft long, 44ft high, has a 124ft wing spand, and weighs almost 100 tons. Are we sapossed to believe that is dissapeared into the 16ft hole? why is there no damage from the wings, or the vertical stabalizers or the engines that would have slammed into the building? see if you watch the videos and listen you would understand that there was no way a boeing 757 could have done that.
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and by the way valhala, not so typical teenager who just did back up his mouth. sorry buddy, you werent at the pentagon when it was hit, there for you didnt see, the original hole.

go do some searchs and youll hear a whole lot more evidence, interviews with the fire fighters and civilains that were there.
im not gonna argue about who is right and who isnt with a bunch of teenagers. have you actually been to the pentagon to see the hole in its side before it was repaired? i did. it was larger than 16 feet, not to mention a former commanding officer of mine was in that wing when it was hit.

typical teenager, thinks he knows it all and doesnt have the experience or know how to back up his mouth.

all im going to say is videos and photographs dont lie, people do,
theres plenty of them to begg the differ, but, we'll all probally never know the truth, but id like to know, why is the gov. hiding so much and not answering so many simple questions if it wasnt staged?????
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they control what goes on the news, but not the internet so go look online, you will see, its ALL OVER the web.
waaaayyyyyy to much eveidence to support an inside job!! look at the tradeing done berfore on wallstreet, look at the amount of gold that was moved before and multiple eyewitnesses that heard exposions, its pretty f*cked up man!!
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yes, you can see the exsplosions in some of the videos, and they dont do anything cause like you see in the videos, with-in minutes, FBI agents where taking all the video tapes from the local gas stations and hotels, if it wasnt staged, why was it one of their first concerns? why wouldnt they be more worried about the american people involved! not getting all the evidence and never releasing it!!! and why did more than just a few people have stories of being paid compensation and told to keep quiet???? thats why they dont do anything, if only a few people in office try to do somthing, they will lose thier jobs just like other people did that released information against the government!!!
exactly darrell, and when it comes to the BIG PLAYERS involved, CIA, BUSH, CHENNEY, ROMSFIELD, they could never announce the truth even if they wanted because theyd be killed. Dont get me wrong, theres many people in the CIA and gov. that had no part, but they wont go public in fear for their and their families lives.

at the end of this video i talks about, how when your going to put somehting on the media, such as an image or video clip, you need to get permission from the very top guy in the company. It goes on to say, why wont the media show world trade center 7.
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Well my opinion is the same as the one in theepisode of South Park where they talk about 9/11,forgot the name of it, basically it goes down to this, The Government also controls the conspiracy people and sh*t. Why? in my opinion it is to keep people busy and walking aorund in circle and not get to any conclusions because of the constant disagreements.
OP- Throughout boot camp, keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open. That is the best advice that I was given before going through boot camp in the Navy. I agree with Valhalla, your ASVAB score is way to high to be doing something that requires the IQ of a grapefruit. No offense to snipers. The job sounds like fun...but requires little more than a lot of practice. Take a look at some of the more technical jobs, like IT or something to that effect. If you spend four years in and decide that it blows balls, you'll have good training that can easily transfer to back to the civilian sector. How many companies are looking for great snipers? Or tank operators? I'd say there are more companies that are looking for people with technical training and backgrounds. Just keep your options open, you'll be glad that you did if you decide to get out. I scored very well on the ASVAB as well and chose a job that kept me in an air conditioned room, tinkering with a fire control radar system. I thought that I would do a full 20 years and get out, but after boot camp and school, you'll get to experience how the actual job and day-to-day routine works and it may not be your cup of tea. The commercials are WAY off...hahaha. Military life can be very stressful on a family as well. Given the position that you are in, it's a very smart move to join the military. If nothing else, it will make a great stepping stone to a better career in the future. Keep that excitement and enthusiasm going and remember....mouth shut, eyes and ears open. Good luck to you.

To all the others who are getting all fired up about 9/11-
Do you honestly think that we can just rush D.C. with pitch forks and torches? Come on...seriously. On a small side is very difficult to take a person seriously regarding an issue like this when their spelling and grammar is equal to that of a fourth grader. Not saying that to anyone in particular.

Who thinks that the internet can't be monitored and/or modified to tailor to the CIA's wishes? Has anyone seen what programmers and hackers are capable of? So there is no way that we MIGHT have someone working for the big bad government that is capable of something similar? Do I believe that the government has corruption here and there? Sure. Everything from 7/11 to Walmart to probably the U.N. has some form of corruption or whatever. Bitching about it on an internet forum and picking apart pictures that are on the internet...which were uploaded from a computer...which could have been altered, is just as ridiculous. People like this conspiracy theorists fall into the same category as hippies and people who claim to be "green" and are trying to save the earth. Those people are the reason that I am pro-abortion. Not There should be a screening process for couple who wish to reproduce. I volunteer myself as the one who decides whether or not they are allowed to reproduce.

How about we start up a conspiracy theory thread?
Just be safe and don't screw up you'l regret it.

My father was a marine and did most of it in vietnam.
The stories he has told me chill to the bone.
I respect anyone who has ever put their life on the lone for our country and our freedoms.

Thank you for your service even if you dont make it you tried and thats more then alot of people will ever do.

There are so many things going on that we will never know about and it has always been that way, we shouldnt know everything.

Do you want everyone in the world to know your deepest secrets????

Hell no why would the goverenment be any different, now obama can kiss my ass water boarding is not torture ask the guys in our armed forces that have to go threw it in spec ops i know a few that have done it.
It does not hurt it's a fear and you will tell them what they want to know
sooner or later.

I'm not saying alot of theorys are bullshit but if you think that anywhere else in the world or even in your own home is any different you f*cking stupid and don't know a danm thing and should shut up and try looking at a mirror.

Sorry i'm not being a dick please understand.

The main thing is don't go and try to destroy someoneelses dream because of you don't agree with them.

Freedom is not free nor is the right to say or do or worship whomever you want.
I'm on the fence with the whole waterboarding thing. It gives the victim the same sense or feeling of being drowned. Do I feel it is effective? Hell yes. Should torture be authorized? Hell yes.

1.the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.
2. a method of inflicting such pain.
3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone.
4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony.
5. a cause of severe pain or anguish.

–verb (used with object)
6. to subject to torture.
7. to afflict with severe pain of body or mind

Yeah...waterboarding is a form of torture, but hey, whatever works. It's not like the other countries are kind to us when we end up in their prisons...
I've talked to the guys that have had it done your are not hurt just scared.

They did tell me you'll tell them what they want to know sooner or later.

Hell you should see the sh*t they do to themselves or us for that matter if they have the chance.

Cutting a mans head off on tv>?????????????????????????????

Ring any bells with anyone and we're the ones who are bad???

f*ck that sh*t