ugh another problem sadly...

i removed the pump completely, and how do i increase the size of the main jet? and where is it located i know its on the carb but where on the carb
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Time to start doing a little leg work on your own. Look in the engine, DIY, or other forums for carb clean/rebuild diy/vidieo. Get a Clymers manual or download manual.

As to the pump, pull the gear, clean gasket, add sealer and reinstall. If you plan on making a flat plate for that area you'll need a block off and remove the pump.
As to the pump, pull the gear, clean gasket, add sealer and reinstall. If you plan on making a flat plate for that area you'll need a block off and remove the pump.

only question i have about this is could i just take the gear out too and just put the old plate on and cover the hole on the carb and on the plate and be done with it? im trying to not spend money/cut time out of blocking it off. even though i know a sealer isnt that much is there anything else i can use? kinda running low on funds because of all the money i dumped into it already. is there anything i can use that i already have? like i have adhesive. thanks in advance! and ive cleaned out my carb aobut 3 or 4 times already with that post about the carb so i know how to do it without looking at anything. only question i had was the jets i know how to do a plug chop but i just saw a post on the jets so now i know how to do that as well thanks for ur help man appeciate it a lot:) will post pics of the blaster when i got it all hooked up!I:I:o:D:);)
Remove gear from pump (which is best way now that you have everything apart) clean/seal old gasket, install pump. Can't think of any cheaper way than that to do it. The pilot jet is down a hole near main jet, which you have to remove first. It has very small holes that must be clean. The needle jet tube also has small holes, tho not quite as likely to get plugged.
okay so i kinda messed up by not putting on a washer? and its a lot of work to dig back into the cylinder to get it back on can i leave it like that? for at least a little bit? i know its not reccomended but can i be lazy and put it on at a later date i put everything back on and now all i have to do is start it up do a plug chop and get some new screws because i striped my bumper screws
If you mean the brass washer under the main jet, it is there for a purpose to locate the needle jet.

You will never get a reliable plug chop reading if this washer is missing.
only question i have about this is could i just take the gear out too and just put the old plate on and cover the hole on the carb and on the plate and be done with it? im trying to not spend money/cut time out of blocking it off. even though i know a sealer isnt that much is there anything else i can use? kinda running low on funds because of all the money i dumped into it already. is there anything i can use that i already have? like i have adhesive. thanks in advance! and ive cleaned out my carb aobut 3 or 4 times already with that post about the carb so i know how to do it without looking at anything. only question i had was the jets i know how to do a plug chop but i just saw a post on the jets so now i know how to do that as well thanks for ur help man appeciate it a lot:) will post pics of the blaster when i got it all hooked up!I:I:o:D:);)

you could take the gear inside the pump out
Originally Posted by best

Never enough money or time to do it right, always enough to do it over...

Original reply by Blaaster:

The "I just wanna ride" senario.
Ok WHAT/WHICH washer did you leave out of WHERE ???

yeah i think so its the one where my clutch hub basket goes too is that the jet? idk i just forgot to put it on cuz i was in a rush i was smoking and the cops were down the street so i was paranoid and i was rushing

On re reading I think he means the one on the clutch basket, but who knows, smoking and avoiding the cops messes with your mind, especially if the weed is the prohibited type.
okay good advice blaster ill put it back on screw my time and it requires no money :D
and thanks mud i just left it in there and cleaned it up but i will be taking the case back off so i might just take it off i tried to take it off but it was very hard to do so.
That washer is used to hold the nut that holds your clutch in place... If you do not put this on you could be replacing many parts to include; clutch discs, clutch boss, side cover, etc... Just drain it and undo the pressure plate and install the washer. It might take 10 minutes max...
okay so i put that nut back on and put everything back in place but then my carb starts leaking again.... its leaking from the bottom of the carb so im thinking it might be the gasket? should i glue the gasket maybe that will stop it from leaking? i checked the float height and its perfect theres no gas in the float either its perfect the pin/needle attached to the float is perfect too.
If the old gasket leaks a new one should fix the problem unless the screws have been tightened up so tight to try to stop it leaking and has warped the float bowl.