Yeah i see where you are coming from. But couldnt over heating of caused the skirt to break? idk..I just think that since this wheeeler had like no miles on when i bought it i was thinking this had to be self inflicted since these engines go a long time if rode right??? not wooried about jetting at all..i dont have any preformance parts exept boyesen super stock reeds..and they are like the stock ones ..just cheaper and last blaster came from a dealer from around elavation should be good..
I remember thinking like this when I was younger.
Logically deducing things instead of physically checking them with my own eyes.
Please do not take this as a personal criticize.
We all seem to do it until we find that all the logic and figuring in the world does not make up for what is solid and real.
Example in point: why did the skirt break? "couldnt over heating of caused the skirt to break?"
Yes, but did it? And if it did, why did it over heat? Jetting?
You can argue "im not wooried about jetting - stock - came from a dealer- -should be good"
but that won't cut it when it blows up again.
You put it back together the exact same but expect different results.
You could take a guess and just go buy a richer than stock main jet. Would that solve it?
Who knows for sure? Not you or I or anyone, it was a guess, not based on evidence.
Not likely to fix it, the problem could have been a dozen other possibilities.
You have to check.
What is your bore size, exactly?
Does the original piston show signs of overheating?
What is your main jet size? Your needle and where?
Did you check for air leaks before or after?
Any signs of detonation? Timing OK? What do the piston and head look like.
(the piston will show signs of proper jetting in the black on the top.)
The step from logically thinking something out to rationalizing doing less work can be a small one, but often leads to bad falls.
You can argue and debate like a lawyer, but it doesn't make it real.