trail blaster transformation!

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Thanks, now I wish I had taken better "before" pictures so everyone could see how bad the plastics were when I started and as the layers began to come off...
I would try to find a super cheap set of better shape plastics personally. I saw a guy selling a maier front fender the one the guys cut the Vs in to make the project blaster front (my favorite blasty look actually) in black as well as the rear set for like $30 on ex riders. hell, I don't even have a blaster and tried to get them from him so I could have it ready for when I get a blasty for my son LOL (yeah, who am I kidding I'll be playing on his blasty all the time LOL)

the cheap plastics sold but I'm sure there are more, maybe other yami forums..

ATV Riders Forum - 2001 Blaster Part out - Aftermarket Stuff
What is THIS sitting out in the front yard?


Oh, here it is!






somebody has a different color of "crocs" for each day of the week........
skittles...taste the rainbow !!!!!! hahahahahaaaaa

nice save on the blasty bro !!!!!!!
oh, i expected to hear your wife is a nurse, they're very popular with the nurses
No, these were pictures taken when I walked in the guys garage to trade him the lawnmower...

We have an update however, I'm discussing the possibility of trading this quad for a miller tig welder with a nice gentleman off craigslist. He has a Tig outfit and was interested in trades for man toys or a quad for his son. I sent him an email just making the pitch and figured, "hey, why not?"
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